Reviews for You Belong With Me
Osage chapter 4 . 10/16/2014
Wow thank you so much for healing the rift in my heart. Just started binge watching fringe and season 3 so far is hell bent on making me sad for these two. Your story is like the light at the end of the tunnel, I'll believe that there's hope for them on the show. Thank you!
PrincessGriffin1995 chapter 4 . 7/22/2014
Awwww. Please write more to this. This story was sweet and so perfect :)
Jenn1 chapter 4 . 6/15/2014
I really fell in love with this fic. I could see this fitting is gap filler eppy for the show. Your writing was very well done for an enjoyable read.
cc1313 chapter 4 . 5/21/2013
Oh, you genius person! Thank you for this! One of the most frustrating moments of the entire 5 seasons, for me, was how 6B just...ended, when I needed so much more. I guess I just don't have the imagination to fill in the gaps for myself, but you have absolutely provided that in the most wonderful way, while simultaneously managing to stay absolutely true to the spirit and feel of the show.

I loved how you captured the emotional intensity between them, and all your attention to small details. I thought the photo album was a great idea as well: you described the photos so well, I could imagine each one vividly.

Thank you again for this beautifully written, sensitive and sincere fic.

Ps: "Walter. Not Walter." Lol!
tln67 chapter 4 . 5/16/2013
really wonderful story! thank you for sharing it!
berniej chapter 4 . 4/26/2012
You know one thing I did like about the relationship was they actually faced the problem and dealt with was undoubtably heart crushing for Olivia to find out about them, but he told her strait and opened himself to her after even though he had been just as hurt...I like the way you took it further because she would have wondered or worried that he was comparing them and finding her lacking...the relationship further down the line I believe showed he had somehow convinced her it was only her he wanted so I would say this was a bridge to get there.

Thanks for sharing
lpkings chapter 4 . 3/26/2012
I simply love it! And selection of the songs...amazing! I totally do that! Picturing what song describes better the plot and the characters! Jazz and old songs...always a perfect match!

Please, keep writing!
joshjacksonobsessed chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
noz4a2 chapter 3 . 3/6/2012
Great fic! I love all three chapters. You captured the essence of that particular time perfectly! Well done! And yes nice smut!
Gaialy chapter 4 . 2/9/2012
that was perfect. I could so imagine those pictures:)
TheNaggingCube chapter 4 . 1/11/2012
Lovely lovely lovely.
paroxysm03 chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Hi. Just letting you know that you're one of my newest favorite Fringe authors, can't believe I only discovered your stories yesterday! Hahaha :))

Your fics are really, really sweet and fluffy. It's a nice break from all the seriousness surrounding the show and the other fics. I actually prefer this kind of stories. I'm a huge sucker for smut LOL and btw, chapter 3 literally took my breath away! EVERYTHING IS POLIVIA GETTING ALL CUDDLY AND CUTE AND NOTHING HURTS. NOTHING AT ALL. :' And the photographs! Gaaaah I wish that really existed in the show! Nothing would make me happier than finding out that Peter kept photos of Olivia like a regular stalker (lol) waaaaay before they acknowledged their feelings for each other.

Okay this is a really long review so I stop now LOL please continue writing! :)
Agent Xero chapter 4 . 10/30/2011
That was absolutely beautiful, I thought you should know. I loved loved LOVED it! The idea with the photo album fit so well, I had a few tears in my eyes at the end of it. Such a different POV from after 3x14. It was an incredibly awesome read, I greatly enjoyed it. Again, thanks for posting! :)


Mathiilde3 chapter 4 . 8/20/2011
Oh what a sweet story, I simply loved it. I love the idea of a photoalbum and Peter framing some of them. The epilogue was so heartwarming and I loved the coupleness in chapter 3. It was delightful to read, I really enjoyed it.
CoffinWood chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Nice first foray into the Fringeverse! Great job!
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