Reviews for Vessna's First Day
Puffgirl1952 the 2nd chapter 1 . 9/29/2019
Wish there was more
dionchibuzor chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
This story is good, it will be awesome if you wrote more about George and Vesna, their relationship as father and daughter since Vesna was the only one of his kids he give birth to.

No one has written about what happen after George give birth to Vesna in Real Men. Did the ambulances come and did Susan, Buck and Emily come to the hospital to met George and new born baby Vesna?


Story that George give birth at home with Susan there to see their daugther being born.
WolfDreamer25 chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
Good short story. Of course with both her parents working and her siblings in school (I guess Buck went to college?) She would have been in daycare most of her life, so being the only Tenct in her class wouldn't really be that big of a deal as she would have been used to it.

Also I don't think Emily would have said "Tenctanese Being" I know their supposed to represent minorities, and I have never heard a minority calling themselves French beings, Mexican humans, White humans, African beings etc. Tenctonese would have been sufficient.

Now I hope you don't get discouraged as I did like the story. And as a kid in Jr. high I loved the show. So thanks for bringing back memories.