Reviews for It's just going to be you and me
Leraquim chapter 1 . 7/1/2019
I absolutely love this. I’ve come back to read it at least 7 times already. It really gives you strong emotions. Has to be one of my favourite fanfics yet. 3 :)
TreeC chapter 3 . 11/11/2018
So is Betty an illusion?Anyway, this fic is just excellent!
RealSoraKusanagi chapter 3 . 9/16/2018
in my opinion, Al is already dead and that biology class is the 'afterlife' ? I mean why they ask Arthur to join when he even not on the same class? well nobody said that they arent but remember when Al is leaving and Arthur is stay on the class? or maybe they dont want anyone to found out so they do dont go to class together? anyway, you write a excellent fanfic. you made me wanders everywhere searching for the true meaning of the ending
meeeeeeeeeeeeeep chapter 3 . 8/23/2018
but... i liked betty ;( lol good story tho!
NoMeLlamoAlfred chapter 2 . 6/6/2018
CodeVassie chapter 1 . 3/22/2018
I just re-read this story and, I've got to say, it's a story that I will be rereading forever. It is so good and so well written and it makes me feel things, damn it! Just, everything about it. The mystery - why is Al seeing Arthur? How can they possibly get out of this loop? The suspense - learning all the dark things about their past and watching in horror as a dark future looms ahead. The total elation when they somehow, against all the odds, find a way out. I remember the first time I read this I was literally screaming about how Al better not end his life, no matter the consequences, because that is /never/ the answer. /Never/. And then when I came to the third chapter I was completely baffled and so so relieved that it didn't come to that, that they found another way. This time, despite remembering most of what happened as I went along, I was still hanging off my seat, enthralled with their story.
And this time too I picked up on things I hadn't before. How distinctly /real/ the experience feels. The audience too wonders about madness and deals with the uncertainty of it all. And we're facing the question ourselves "are people evil or misguided?" Because Arthur here was desperate and afraid. He didn't know what else to do to get out of the loop, but it was hurting him, killing him emotionally. You can die physically, but what sort of toll does it take on someone to relive that death and watch the one you love go through life after life not only without you, but without remembering you?
I loved how Matthew was included as well. He's seen as mad in this time because he /knows too much/. And, at first, he is completely against Arthur because who wants their brother to die? He's so afraid because he doesn't want to live without Alfred, whether it's because he knows or he remembers what it was like. Then Matthew hits a complete 180 because he sees that saving his brother is not so simple as getting him to not listen to Arthur. I feel like his character added so much to this story. And the scene where Alfred finds the feathers in Matt's room? So. Cool.
And, with Alfred, I feel like the way his story goes shows so much that I don't know how to put into words. He is afraid and confused and this is no easy journey for him, that much is clear. I also feel like, even though what he was seeing he was seeing for this whole grand reason, we also explored a lot to do with mental illness and how it affects people. And I found that so interesting in itself.
This fic is beyond wonderful and it still baffles me that you were able to come back to it five years after! That's dedication, my friend. Thank you so so much for sharing it and finishing it and just making a wonderful story! Have a wonderful day!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/30/2017
I don't know what to say. JUST SOOOO GOOD*eyes out*
juliet chapter 3 . 9/20/2017
Holy Jesus fucking Christ I am sorry I didn't start reading this beautiful piece of art since the beginning but I'm so glad I got to find it in a moment when it is complete and finished, it is just so wonderful, amazing, so much more I can't imagine a world were I didn't get to read till the end of it. Thanks so much for doing this, even if it took you a time, trust me I am so glad and thankful for it. (PS I cried reading this)
Guest chapter 3 . 7/5/2017
Wow! You took five years?! At least you came back to it! This was amazing, and the ending was perfect! Gawd I loved this story!
Betty46 chapter 3 . 5/31/2017
Lemme tell you something, I rarely leave reviews, but your fic was just so... UGH that I had to.
At first, I was so frustrated with everything, like, I didn't really understand, but the end was so worth it! Doesn't matter it took you five years xD I kinda have the same problem with my stories, so I understand a bit :D
I really liked it, and thank you for finishing it 3 :D
Yuuko chapter 3 . 12/18/2016
Guest chapter 3 . 10/5/2016
This is the sort of shit that sends people like me bat shit crazy. (I'm talking about people with ptsd(and people with Schizophrenia))
tyler chapter 3 . 7/3/2016
Kokoa Kirkland chapter 3 . 5/9/2016
Everything be okay when they're together.
Kazucchan chapter 3 . 4/23/2016
You can't see me at this moment, but I want to say that my eyes are brimming with happy tears from the beauty of your fic. I was painfully stuck between not wanting Alfred to die and wanting to end Arthur's pain (suffering for three lifetimes is far too much) and it's like my heart was being torn apart. But you can't imagine how happy I am now! The ending was so beautiful ALSGJDKKDBDJGKK the feels are overwhelming me T_T

Thank you for finishing this and God bless!
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