Reviews for Blue Satin and Cowboy Boots
BurtonM1927 chapter 31 . 4/10
So disappointing that you stopped posting chapters. The story was well worth reading.
BurtonM1927 chapter 25 . 4/9
I love your story. The suspense is killing me
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 31 . 2/21
Please don't give up! I've just reached the end of the posted chapters and I'm SO intrigued!
I'm hoping Rosalie has found her way to the others.

I can't wait for the next chapter! (You did mention you had a couple saved up...)
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 30 . 2/21
Oh man! What just happened?
Did Alice run away with Jasper too? Is that why Edward and Bella were found so quickly? All the brothers probably know the same route.

I'm already really anxious because I know there is still so much story left and the next chapter is the last one posted. PLEASE tell me you will finish this story at some point. I know real life is far more important than this make-believe "story-land" that we all love, but I would hate for this story to be over before it's actually over.
I'm sure you have tons of followers ready to cheer you on!
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 29 . 2/21
I'm sure neither one is very upset about needing to get hitched before they reach Carlisle & Esme's.

It's a good thing Edward has a good friend like Katie.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 28 . 2/20
The emotions begin to churn as soon as the reality of the situation sinks in. I keep thinking of poor little Abby too. Bella is the only mama she knows. I think Charlie and Ben can handle things, but my heart hurts for Abby.
Not even just the emotional side. Bella did almost all of the cooking and household chores. Who is going to step in and take care of everything?
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 27 . 2/20
Are the townsfolk going to go looking for Bella and find her dress in the stream, then jump to the conclusion that she's been killed?

Is Katie going to approve? How does she know the Cullens?
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 26 . 2/20
Wow... So that happened.
I truly was not expecting her to leave with him. Especially for Abby's sake.
On the flip side, I was really having a hard time seeing her struggle through her time with Michael.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 25 . 2/20
As much as I don't want to hear about anything bad happening, it couldn't have happened at a better time. Anything to stop or delay Michael's proposal is welcome.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 24 . 2/20
Oh my goodness. Rip my heart out why don't you.
It's tough being the child in this position. Not having a say in your own future and happiness (or lack of).
On the other hand, it's also tough being the parent. Wanting your child to be well taken care of. To know that they will always have food, shelter, and comfort might have to outweigh emotions.
This is a tough one. I can totally see both sides.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 22 . 2/20
I can feel the dread coming off Bella in waves. How awful to feel so trapped into a life you basically have no say in.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 21 . 2/20
Yay... The "I Love yous" have been declared!
I have no idea what the plan could be. I don't see any way to change the minds of so many people that have already judged you.
There is also guilt by association. Even if you have nothing to do with a situation, the fact that you hang out with the person/people that did, automatically places you right in the middle of it all.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 20 . 2/20
So sneaky... And so dangerous.
I hope they don't get caught, but more importantly I hope they make it home safe.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 19 . 2/20
Angry mobs are dangerous. They rarely stop to listen to anything. Strike first find out facts later. So sad.
MamaNeedsABreak chapter 18 . 2/20
There definitely has to be more to the story going on here. We're only hearing the side of the townsfolk.
I'm assuming this has to do with the "other" unsavory characters Edward hinted about at the beginning. I think the Cullens are being blamed for far more than they are actually guilty of.
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