Reviews for Stars
The aspiring Firefly chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
I really, really liked how this fic showed both simplicity and depth at the same time. The dialogue was in-character and sweet, and the whole outcome was extremely nice to read. Thanks for this, and good job! c:
OLD Z chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
I've been waiting for a good Zexal fanfiction! This was a really well done fanfiction.

I can't wait to see how they develope Astral's character like they did with Yami Yugi. Althouh this partner dynamic is more entertaining. )
Hana13 chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
What a sweet bonding moment~! -

I really like this, it remind me the scene it opening when Yuma and Astral were sitting on roof and gazing into the sky~!

I guess you already know that Zexal will be dub soon, if you watch the 5D's dub on 4kids. I heard that Zexal is coming the fall on 4kids. With it lighthearted episodes this will probably the only series since Yugi's the may be complete in dub. And about popularity, I read the pojos forums that Zexal doing just fine in Japan, higher ratings than 5D's actually! -

I hope you more Zexal's stories soon! 3
Itazuk chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
D'aaw! I love keyshipping. :) I liked the fic very much