Reviews for Nachesa Smith and the Olympians
Guest chapter 15 . 9/2/2011
Problems I found in the chapter without even finishing it:

-more powerful than Artemis and Apollo

-if she's really eons old, she won't be talking in a "slighly" old-fashioned manner. She'd me saying thee and thy and thou and stuff.

-six syllables (Apollo's poem). Unoriginal.

-Nacy can't die! Stop mentioning it!
Guest chapter 14 . 9/2/2011
First off, how the heck would Nacy come back to life if she can't die?

And I mean, really, a godess? SERIOUSLY? MARY SUE! MARY SUE! MARY SUE!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/2/2011
Mary Sue, much? I mean, honestly! She just defeated PERCY! He's invulnerable! And jumping TEN FEET IN THE AIR! Puh-lease.

Also, if my boyfriend hadn't been beaten at something for years and then some girl suddenly beat him at it, I would not be angry. I'd be impressed, and hold her with high regard. I'd also tease afore mentioned boyfriend.

These characters are really OOC.
Phoenix1592 chapter 22 . 8/26/2011
so Nacy is actually a goddess.

well she certainly needs bringing up to speed by her sisters.
TheGoodShipLillipop chapter 19 . 8/15/2011
Yaaaaay they're alive!

Review, review, review, I just reviewed you! :D
TheGoodShipLillipop chapter 18 . 8/14/2011
Nooooooo! Don't fall off the cliff! Although, Percy might just save them if they do. But still, DON'T FALL OFF THE CLIFF! D:

Review, review, review, I just reviewed you! :D
Phoenix1592 chapter 18 . 8/14/2011
the prophecy has finally begun

line 1 & 2 just about complete
carameltootsieroll chapter 8 . 8/13/2011
You actually wrote Annabeth pretty well in this story, so don't worry! Annabeth was pretty paranoid in Lost Hero also, so it's fine to make her just a bit paranoid and suspectful. After all, she only wants the best for her friends, right? :) I LOVE YOUR STORY! You are a really talented author! :D
carameltootsieroll chapter 7 . 8/13/2011
ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! :) You're good at these stuff. :)
carameltootsieroll chapter 6 . 8/13/2011
Wow! Awesome cliffhanger! :) LOVE IT! You are a really good writer, I swear. :)
TheGoodShipLillipop chapter 17 . 8/12/2011
Please make the next chapter soon! This story is really good, plus now I'm glad that somebody knows stuff about Erebus. But your stuff has stuff about him that I didn't think about. :)

Review, review, review, I just reviewed you! :D
Phoenix1592 chapter 8 . 8/8/2011
great story!

don't fret about paranoid Annabeth, remember her fatal flaw is hubris.

she's just jealous that Nacy beat Percy, and he doesn't care about it,

also she can't stand not knowing.

so she quite bitchy when she can't figure out something or someone.
carameltootsieroll chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
Wow, I just read the summary, and I decided to check this story out. It's really good! You write sooo well, and I like the idea. I can see your effort and talent in this story. :) Please just watch out for how you arrange your words so they can convey the message more clearly!. :)

"No one not even Grover remembers what happened or that there was even a lady. To them it was as if they just entered the greenroom, saw Grover, and walked up to greet him." I think this line worked really well to give the reader suspense, but I think you should also elaborate more on how they felt after not remembering the mysterious lady. Did they remember a cold presence at least?

I hope my review helps you in writing! I hope you write more fanfics, because I love this one! :D
Delaney chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
Would the lady happen to be Hecate or Nyx? Just asking thats who it seems like, Hecate could crush ANY of the big three, Nyx mabye.( I am a Hades fan BTW )This is really good, you kept their personalitys correct.
millieyosh130110 chapter 4 . 7/14/2011
I 3 ur story but think i hate nacy(no offense) its a bit early to tell though. hmmmmmmmmmm... lolz:P
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