Reviews for Not Broken
MitzvahRose chapter 4 . 7/5/2014
I see you intend on making a comeback... yay! I do hope that it's soon. :)

Personally, I like the way you set it up with the breaks. Even if it was admittedly a bit choppy with the breaks, I think this was very well done so far! An entertaining read and everyone's in character! Not to mention, you explain why many characters are different from their G1 versions in certain ways. Plus, loving the whole insanity thing you have going! ...Poor Screamer... :(
Another thing, that was clever with the whole Knock Out modifying Star with his brothers' parts. Also, their deaths were beautifully written. I want Megascum dead too for that now! I am curious though... A streamlined form? Being a downgrade? Guess it does clarify what Knock Out said in that one episode... xD

Questions? I got none so far... Well, that's not true. It's more like clarifying... are those Eradicons who I think they are? Smartaft and worried-one indeed! ;D
Concerns? Ooooh, yes, I have a few... Where are these 9 chapters you speak of? xD
Criticism? Meh, not at the current time, but if I see something later then I'll probably drop by a previous chapter to notify you. :)
I do believe this was a review. ...Sorry it was kinda scattered, though. *Sweatdrops* Not my best review ever, but, eh. 3
ABundleOfDaydreams chapter 4 . 6/6/2013
DemonMamoru chapter 4 . 1/17/2013
There needs to be more of this! I love the plot, and how TC and 'Warp are showing up!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/5/2012
Good story idea. Starscream did talk to himself sometimes in T.P. so the whole hearing voices of Sky and TC in his head kind of fits with that.
Autobot Firekat chapter 3 . 10/28/2011
please continue
creativeLunatic chapter 3 . 10/28/2011
Oh, poor Starscream :( I look forward to the next chapter!
Ebony Kain chapter 2 . 7/5/2011
ooo this seems verrrry interesting. Can't wait to see where you go with this.
char0lastra chapter 2 . 7/3/2011
Me? I like the erraticism. Actually makes it easier for me to pay attention to what's going on. I've decided I like Skywarp (kill this glitch!). He plays well off of Thundercracker.

This also is making me appreciate Starscream more. The guy is devious, and a planner, and (amazingly) patient. The plot thickens! I was getting a little curious about these two, but now I'm REALLY wondering what's going on. Maybe it's Starscream who is losing his processors, after all?

I did spot a couple typos. I'll try to tell you where they are, but a few I just don't have time to give exact coordinates, so just ctrlF them. :)

1. First paragraph. "as the noise let echoing."

2. First paragraph of the second part. "before hacking a mouthful of energon."

3. 12th line down from the third x-x-x "Are you said, Screamer know's what he is doing."

4. "It he harnesses that power, I stand no chance!"

5. "I think to think, I need to figure out what I have to do next."

6. The last part, I think this is a tense switch? "Then he is told that it was worthless, the autobots WERE still alive ..."

Some of these might just be me misreading (can't find my glasses today), so if that's the case, I apologize in advance.
9aza chapter 2 . 7/3/2011
Another interesting chapter. So Skywarp was the reason why Starscream killed Cliffjumper, nice. But why can't Starscream see them anymore?

Please update soon.
char0lastra chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Interesting explanation on why he was acting so weird about his arm. I mean, it makes sense, and he doesn't seem like the type to just throw valuable manpower (friends?) away and not care, at least in G1 (which I just started watching.) I thought for a minute that grafted parts from the two would be a bit weird, but then I thought about it a bit more and realized I could see it happening.

And, you know, I think *everyone* likes a little mind-losing, especially with a character like Starscream.

I just wish I knew who Skywarp and Thundercracker are. Guess I still have a lot of watching to do.
9aza chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
I love this. Your reasoning for Skywarp and Thundercracker not appearing in TFP is good and gives a reason as to why Starscream despises Megatron so much. Also, I enjoy any fic that is about Starscream hearing voices in his mind. :3

I hope to see more soon.