Reviews for NeverLetGoes2Love's Item Contest!
GallagherZammieBlackthorne chapter 4 . 8/17/2011
Yay! Even though I didn't win, this guys who won had fantabulous stories! Great job to the winners! :)
CryingAngel95 chapter 4 . 7/31/2011
Awesome choices! xxXxx
LiVe.WrItE.LoVe.CoUrTnEy chapter 4 . 7/31/2011
I'm in shock!

I can't believe I got first place! Thank you SO SO SO MUCH ! :D

FreakierThanFreaks chapter 4 . 7/31/2011
Gah, you shoulda had The Ocean and Markers and Crayons as first place :(
That Unknown Fangirl chapter 4 . 7/30/2011
Hiiiyyyyaaaaaa!'s 7am and I've just been through the second all-nighter of my life!

I feel incredibly crazy at the moment, and y'know what makes me feel beyond happy? THAT I WAS ONE OF THE FIRST PLACE WINNERS!

I literally jumped off my bed squealing silently with happiness! (Silently because my parents don't know I've been awake all night.) And yay! Eeeeeeeeeeep!

I knew the beloved CDC pranking those gay losers (no offense) would be worth something! :D whoot!
GallagherZammieBlackthorne chapter 3 . 7/30/2011
2341965 chapter 3 . 7/15/2011
Please post the winners D
CloudyNight chapter 3 . 7/12/2011
GAH! Building angst. Hurry and say the winners! Mild panic attack on the horizon. Not really... But I just really wanna know the results XD

Not that I have doubt in my story but... I've read a bunch of these and they're really good! Fingers crossed X

Listen to SKYSCRAPER by Demi if you haven't heard it yet. It's absolutely amazing!

P.s. If you have heard the song, and seen Finding Nemo would you say the beginning of SKYSCRAPER reminds you of the part where Merlyn loses hope in finding his son? I think that's the part... They have a very similiar song thingy... Anyways... Haha! So off topic!
Daughter of Klaus chapter 2 . 7/6/2011
two, questions can i change my object to the Ocean? and can the story for your contest be apart of another contest. please
GallagherZammieBlackthorne chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
I would like to enter! :D I have a one-shot done, called Sonny Gets a Star. Please check it out! :)
CloudyNight chapter 2 . 6/29/2011
Lots of dreams about Channy... Always forget my dreams about Twilight D'X It's like a curse!

Yus! Bonus points! SCORE! P
BlueEyedPrince chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
hey i would like to enter :)

Ive already written on about a tulip and a rose but is not that great cause i write it awhile ago so i think i might improve that and also use bubbles if that's ok

i'll probably be a 2 shot

from Ali xxx
InsaneClarity chapter 2 . 6/28/2011
Okay I wanna sign up((:

Can I do the rose?
MonStErScLosEt chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
I want to enter! I think I have an excellent idea. I'm going to try to use all or almost all of the items on your list. It will be cool, but It will have to be a Multi chap. ;)
CloudyNight chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
Can I join? I've got it written out and it'll be up shortly...

(This next part has nothing at all to do with your contest but keep reading cuz it's funny!)

And yes, I've seen the trailer for BD like... 100 times! I can't wait for November! It's honestly killing me. Okay, not honestly... That's an exageration.

Edward is tots (Haha, never said totally like that before...) the best. NO ONE beats him! Okay... CDC does. Maybe. No, they're uncombarable because Edward is like... A different (HOT) species and Chad is human and (SUPER) SEXY!

Please don't make me chose! I mean, vampires are awesome (and HOT) but Chad's a tv star (and SEXY)!

Lolz! See? I said it had nothing to do with me joining ur contest...

PS, I'm a TwiHard, Lovatic, Team Edward, um... CDC wannabe... Okay I made that up. Plus I'm a chick and that sounds creepy but you get what I mean! HAHA lol! I'm done now.

Then again... I still have 9000 more letters... Wait, your annoyed of me already? Okay, I'll stop! Talk abour random much! Oh! That's another one. I'm a Random fan. Haha! It's like a pun!
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