Reviews for Chess
spiraledthoughts chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
Hello love. I think its time to return the favor and review one of your stories as well. :)

I think this was really good. I think all of your stories are good. :) You do know I've been a fan of your writing ever since high school right?

"I want to capture her," Alice said, a wicked light flashing across her eyes. "Conquer her," Alice smirked, her thoughts surfacing on her face. They weren't bad thoughts, but then again they weren't so good as well. "I'll eat her..."

This line, gah. So many feels. Even though the pun is well... you know. But this was actually my favorite part of the story. I don't really ship them, as I'm still on the Mad Hatter/Alice ship, but this made me sort of ship them. Well, indirectly, considering it was only Alice that made the appearance and probably because your play of words are definitely convincing. Oh, and, I'm definitely borrowing that idea if you don't mind. :)) Great job.

I hope in the near future we'd finally join one fandom and be able to ship together.
Tinnygy chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
I have read this fic like 6 or 7 times already and I still read it evertimes I found it on FF, love this story and you very much 3
qwAEUI chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
This is awesome!
deathroman13 chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
I love to play chess too. I've even won a price. but now I realize that there is a white queen in the chess game.

I've never thought about that.

Great one-shot :)
Pseudologia Fantastica chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
Alice eats Mirana... -drooling-

Haha, Malice is pure awesomeness! Oh, and by the way, not everyone can play chess. I can't. I failed horribly at chess, and I'm always getting my ass handed to me if I play. T.T

And little!Alice is adorable. :DDD
NamelessSaint chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
What a sweet little story... great idea with the chess game!
closedaccount2019 chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
I like this! I am not a huge Malice fan but you captured my interest dear author...and I mean this seriously! The whole first section was necessary- description and all (although I sadly do not play chess...) because it shows that Alice is good at Chess it is what is was born to do. To protect the White Queen.

The second section was just as needed! I loved the euphemism you have. This was a BRILLIANT OS

and no I never really thought about how Alice was good at chess...