Reviews for Part Of Your World
Hopelesslydevotedtoglee chapter 17 . 7/25
so good! loved this sm thx for writing!
Hopelesslydevotedtoglee chapter 15 . 7/25
wow I was not expecting this
Hopelesslydevotedtoglee chapter 9 . 7/24
Broadway's Next Baby chapter 17 . 4/9/2015
I read "I Do, I Think" several months back, but never got around to reading anything else by you. I absolutely loved this! The characterization of all of the main characters was amazing and quite often spot-on, and of course, I love the happy Klaine ending. Can't wait to read other things by you!
Tomoyo chapter 13 . 5/28/2014
This Blaine is an idiot. He made Kurt suffer
BG224 chapter 17 . 12/26/2013
AHW AHW This story was precious! I really like Mer!Kurt Jesus klaine had to face a lot of obstacles though...
Jenny.Greenly chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
omg, this is the first time i ever read mer!kurt fic, and omg! i totally love ittt :)))
lea chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
You should put this up on scarvesandcoffee :)

emlovessid chapter 17 . 5/22/2012
Okay so I am normally super against non-human stories but this was just so good I couldn't stop reading! It was so well written and the storyline was so heartbreaking but fantastic at the same time. And the ending with Kurt becoming human, oh my gosh that was so perfect. Thanks so much for writing this. I LOVED it! :) xo
neko suke II chapter 17 . 3/30/2012
This was really nice.:)
Darkfire359 chapter 17 . 3/30/2012
Yay! Klaine forever!
AngelisIgniRelucent chapter 17 . 2/23/2012
just read this whole thing and holy fuck it's so beautiful! god, all the emotions! absolutely gorgeous :D
imnotqueer chapter 17 . 2/19/2012
Oh my gosh I hate you. I never felt so empty!

This was beautiful. I wanted then to be together soooo bad. And I couldn't figure out ways they would. I though their wouldn't be a way. It would be cheesy or dumb or not even possible considering their feelings and choices and ways of thinking. But wow. This was the only true way to end it

It made me cry like you won't believe. I literally groaned and sighed with relief at the same time. Them not being together would have broken my heart and I thank you for keeping them happy. Okay calmness over..


Awesome story.
Leilia Snape chapter 17 . 2/1/2012
200th review! Congratulations on getting this many reviews! ;-}

Now on to the review... ;-}

I loved this story! From the storyline of Undersea, and Kurt's underwater world, to Blaine and Rachel, everything was amazing!

I loved Blaine's reaction the first time he saw Kurt, and then him wanting to rather brave the dead boy in the water than Rachel was too funny.

Kurt's reaction to The Little Mermaid was also hilarious. I loved his little quips, and I think you got him spot on.

I think that you got everyone's characterizations pretty much accurate, (except Burt, but Burt kinda had to be out of character for him to have done some of the things that he did).

I loved when Rachel was changing back that she kissed Blaine and Douglas swam into Blaine. His line there, "Was that that fish?" was priceless.

I do have a question though. If Blaine swallowed Douglas, and that made him a Mer, then because he did not spit out the fish, nor did Kurt take him/it back, does that mean that if Blaine went back in the water (since Douglas is still in him/a part of him) that he would turn back into a Mer? Just wondering.

All in all, I loved the story, and I would love to see a sequel/continuation of the four of them living at UCLA or later in their lives. After all, when the story ended, Kurt and Finn had only been human for about eight or so hours. They have a whole new world to get used to and explore. ;-}
ProudOfDarrenCriss chapter 17 . 1/28/2012
Ok at least half this story I've cried… happy and sad tears…

Definitely one of my faves :)
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