Reviews for Assassin Guardians
cake0108 chapter 5 . 3/23/2017
Omg so awesome!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2016
your picture is what I look like
Gatomon chapter 11 . 11/28/2016
Thoughts on the lightning: Pikachu! So Ash has something to do with this? Does it have anything to do with Misty? Why would Ash and Pikachu be using Thunderbolt?

What stood out to me: May's "murder." How could they know it wasn't someone else who for some reason had a bandana like May's?

Awesome story!

DeretAmourShipping chapter 18 . 10/1/2016
Thanks for being a little bitch i guess 4 years and no sequel! -_-
jayfeather12345 chapter 18 . 8/4/2016
Wow. I enjoyed reading this so much, I can't believe it's over! It was so well thought-out and I loved all the complicated backstories. You're still telling a bit too much instead of showing, but other than that it was really good :)
jayfeather12345 chapter 12 . 8/4/2016
I did not expect Leaf to be Veil! I honestly expected her to just be an OC! But these twists are actually brilliant - I did suspect that May and Dawn were Sapphire and Platinum, but only because those names are always associated with May and Dawn. As for the other twists - I remain happily surprised!
jayfeather12345 chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
This reads really well, and it's an intriuging beginning. If I'm completely honest there's a little too much telling instead of showing, and the scene with Office Jenny and 'Victoria' seems a little unrealistic to me just because they know she's an assassin so why would they believe a word she says? They're trained police force, I doubt they'd just go with gut feeling.
However, that being said this is still a really good introduction to the story. Your descriptions are interesting and I can really picture the characters - especially Veil. Her personality is a little confusing because at first you described her as a bit cold and cruel and the boss' (sorry I forgot his actual title - I'm doing this on a phone so I can't scroll up to remind myself) right-hand woman, but then you said she's actually really kind and only pretending to be so harsh. But maybe that will make more sense later on.
I hope this review doesn't seem too harsh - I don't always give as much concrit as this but you seem like a really promising writer and I know I want people to pint out where I'm going wrong with my stories. Anyway overall I really enjoyed reading this, and I'm excited to read more and find out about what the boys' mission actually involves (and who their targets are), and how Veil is involved!
TheMidnightDJ chapter 18 . 7/1/2016
OMG, THAT WAS AWESOME! AND YOU'RE MAKING US WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL! NOOOOOOOO I'M CRYING! Hope it comes out soon. This story is so awesome,it had me hanging on a cliff the whole time! PaulxDawn, DrewxMay, and GaryxLeaf seemed to turn out okay, but Ash and Misty, oh. Ash is so upbeat and amazing, he's still so nice and supporting. I hope they turn out alright by the end of the next sequel. I think so wrote the revenge thing was Saturn of the Shadow Trio. They could've kidnapped Ash to deal with Misty. Oh yeah, almost forgot. YOU MADE ME THINK THAT MY FAVORITE SHIPPING BROKE! X( I THOUGHT MAY HAD DIED! MY CS SHATTERED INTO PIECES! But thank you for fixing that, you had me crying. On another note, it was a great and suspenful part of the story, which I guess was great. Can't wait for the sequel! I'll be watching for it
Guest chapter 18 . 12/7/2015
I hate this ending! Ugh, this is just like the time I finished a book, and had to wait 7 months for the next one to come out!
Guest chapter 16 . 12/6/2015
Oh my god. Cyrus is the freaking COMMANDER?!
Guest chapter 14 . 12/6/2015
Sad. Depressing. Leaf's/Veil's father. Leaf's/Veil's brother/cousin/male relative? Leaf/Veil! Not really...
ReadingMew963 chapter 5 . 12/6/2015
1. He wants as much information as possible about them before killing them.
2. The commander indeed has something up his sleeve.
3. Veil, Platina, and Sapphire are plotting or putting their plan in action.
4. Because they used to be best friends and lovers.
6. They are going to get together after the drama is over!
7. After a few chapters.
Aureillia chapter 18 . 11/3/2015
ASDFGHJKL. I am actually going to kill you. There better be a sequel in the works, missy! Overall, good job. The pace was nicely set and the tone kept me gripped the entire way through. I like how you kept true to Misty's assassin nature as well as Ash's positive, optimistic one, and having him there to help her recover was so sweet.

That being said, if they don't eventually get their happy ending... *thunder claps*
CraziOtaku200 chapter 18 . 9/17/2015
CraziOtaku200 chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
This is turnin out awesome... Woah.
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