Reviews for Like Monsters
xXxShannahBunnyxXx chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
Wow. This was really depressing, but still really good. I was kindnof confused by it, though. Just at the beginning. After a few paragraphs, I started understanding it a bit more. I'd love to read a prequel or some sort of lead in or something. Loved this story (even if it was really sad ).

Guest chapter 1 . 6/27/2011
Oh. My. God.

I'm literally bawling. I can't stop crying. I'm hiding here, under my duvet on my bed, and crying my eyes out, because your story is so damn sad.

It was short, but powerful.

It usually takes a lot for words to make me cry. When I read the Harry Potters, a series I've loved since a young age, I only cried twice. In the last book.

But you. You have somehow managed, with only about a thousand words, to bring me to tears.

Ohhh. Wouldn't it be HORRIBLE if that really happened? If Kurt really did kill himself? I would cry for hours. Literally.

Thank you. It's good to cry now and then.
sweet.aria chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
such a great story...karofsky is such an asshole. Really? Interrupting a funeral like that? So disrespectful, and yet, I can totally see him doing this.

awesome job.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
This was a stunning story. The story itself was amazing, but the stuff in italics was just so poetic and beautiful I can't even begin to find words of high enough praise!

Seriously I'm speechless. You're a very talented writer. (:
lmused chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Oh my friggen god. That was pretty AMAZING! You made me cry which isn't easy, but it was also SO well written! THIS IS GOING IN MY FAVORITES! Love this fic! (Too bad Kurt killed himself, though...)