Reviews for I Wanted You To Say It
Lover of Reid chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
That was great. I can just picture Sean coming into the room the way he did to save Alex. I like the way that Alex seemed to convince Sean to confess his feelings for him. The one part I have trouble understanding (and I'm sorry if it seems stupid) is how Sean wrapped his arms around Alex and flew them home. Also I know I've asked this before but would you consider writing a sequel to this?
Ale Girl chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Oooh! I like this, but don't you think the rating should be T? Just because of the cussing..but anyways, good story! Its short but sweet, just how I like 'em! I love a lot of dialogue but still enough description to let the reader know what's going on!
Anime Fan 4 life chapter 1 . 12/29/2011

that was






I think that was nice of

Sean Banshee

from the time I wached this movie I new Alex and Sean

were a good couple! bye-bye now!
dariella chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
i've been dying for someone other than me to do something with these two! because my stuff sucks. and i know what'll happen. so four thumbs up to you! if you include my feet.
RuinNine chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Oh, and this was nice and cute, too! D You are my hero of the day! No, really! But you could make my day even better if you decided to do more with those two. )