Reviews for The Bad Touch Trio's Letters To The World
RapunzelInTheSnow chapter 81 . 10/17/2013
Hey, I sent a letter before but Dom just called to tell me he found it and ate it.
Okay, so this is St Lucia, papa France, but you have to stop hugging me at the meetings! It's embarrassing, go hug Chelles if you need hugs without me stomping on your foot. And yes, I am staying with Denmark. No, I won't come visit you.
Spain, adorable tomato man, here is some rum for you and Prussia to share. I need you and the man with the yellow pompom bird to help me with two problems... The second is a secret from Papa.
Firstly me and my friend Norway are trying to get Iceland and my
buddy Coats Island together. I need some matchmaking tips as no plans have worked so far.
Second (Make sure Papa is not reading) I have a sort of crush on Seborga, but don't know what to do about it or tell him. So do his brothers or you have any ideas? I know he flirts with anything that moves, but in my experience Papa sometimes does that too.
Bye bye hugs and rum, Lucille Kirkland Bonnefoy-Ange
RapunzelInTheSnow chapter 88 . 10/17/2013
Hey, it's Denmark's ward St Lucia... Lucille Kirkland Bonnefoy - Ange...
I need to say something to France...I know that you are sort of my dad but please don't hug me at the meetings! I am all grown up now, and have the ability to get drunk of my ass, so please don't insist on me calling you Papa like when I was younger!
Spain, hugs because you are adorable... Also, I made you some tomato soup that should be on its way along with Prussia's rum. My friend Coats Island will write in soon, so that brings me to my next point.
Give me some matchmaking tips! Me and Lukas(Norway) are trying to get Coats Island and Iceland together. He would never admit it but we are failing miserably.
Also, can Prussia bring Kugel around soon? He is so cute, I don't mind babysitting him. Even if he has a habit of painting your arms if you fall asleep. Prussia, I am sorry about that time you had to collect Denmark from the bar but I truly was too busy because big brother had woken up without trousers because of Puerto Rico winning a bet...of course, Dom didn't remember a SINGLE THING about the bet when he woke up. Next time I will not answer the phone if it is his number.
Bye bye, Awesome Buddy #2 ( Den is #1), Adorable Tomato Man and *mumbles* Papa.
Painting Politics and Poland chapter 88 . 6/5/2013
Dear BTT,

'Sup? It's me, Jason Jones, also known as New York. Sooo...I heard you're sending letters to the world. Well, HERE I AM! Can't send letters to the world without sending any to me! I think that's about it for now... see ya' later!

The Best State in the Union,
Jason Jones
(New York)
animegirl1012 chapter 86 . 4/9/2013
Spain: Yeah Tango is amazing.
France: True.
Prussia: Not taken, though I didn't believe her.
SourCustomer chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
Dear wonderful people,

I would just like you to know that you guys brighten my day with your hilarious antics! Lets cut to the chase.

Is it not appropriate for the awesome person to be asked questions first? Prussia, exactly how awesome are you? And how cute was Germany when he was little?

Hello Spain! It makes sense how you would brighten my day since you are the wonderful sunny Spain! Can you teach my Spanish class? Sra Guitierrez is okay but I think you would be better. Plus, my classmates would stop making fun of her though Sra is awesome!

Can I call you Francey Pants? It's an adorable nick name! Please? I don't get why a lot of people hate you! You are adorable! Oh! And what do you do about best friends who stab you in the back?

Love and those lies,

An intrigued reader
Bripopdopabje chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Hiya Bad Touch Trio,
The state of Maryland, here to cause trouble!

Big brother Spain, you finally got around to answering letters huh? Took long enough. You three aren't getting into trouble I hope. Oh yeah, Alfred wanted me to apologize for the prank me and the other states pulled on you at the last world meeting. To be fair, I thought the water balloons were a nice touch. He put me under house arrest cause I told him I blackmailed the others, but it was actually Nate's idea. It was totally worth it though!

By the way, what's a good way to cheer up someone? I had to tell Alfred something the other day...he's really mad about it...I don't him to stay mad at me though.

Mary Jones
Sassy Scroll chapter 87 . 2/11/2013
Of course I remember you. Who else would I have learned how to cook from? Jessie's over in a corner glaring at the floor and complaining that I bothered to write to you. I still have no clue what his problem is. Maybe it's those ridiculous eyebrows he somehow was born with. And I miss you too, Granpa. And as a late Christmas present I sent a more recent photo of me and Jess.

Cherokee Carriedo-Bonnefoy-Jones
Owenzeegirl chapter 81 . 2/5/2013
Dear men,
Don't even go there... There's like six English siblings including me, then you hit the former kingdoms of Scotland and Wales where the numbers just go insane...
You, Scotlad, every Saturday night for the past eight weeks... Obviously you get so drunk you don't remember... You showed up when me a Prussia were skiing with a rose and tried to grope me!
I don't know... Last summer... All I remember is that you were trying to dress Romano up as a girl by the end of it...
Well next time you can pick where we go skiing... If I had known Austria was going to vibe there I wouldn't have suggested it...
Jennifer Kirkland
Strengthinatroph chapter 79 . 2/5/2013
Dear rest of the bft,
You idiots might want to make sure the eye briefed bastard didn't curse you. He caused me to turn into this girl he saw on one if Alfred's tv programs. So for now I'm stuck like this.

- I forgot that part -
Succupirequeen chapter 79 . 2/5/2013
"There you are." Lovina frowns at him. She was keeping herself in what looks like a glass case. There are air holes but just a few. "I don't know what happened but when I woke up I was like this. A certain bastard must have gotten drink again but he turned me into some weird fire princess."
Succupirequeen chapter 78 . 2/5/2013
Aaaaaaaaaand cue the nasty breakup. It happened a month after our one year anniversary. It wasn't even couple related. It was over this douchebag.
Yeah...I don't need her; I'm so great on my own...hahaha...
Excuse me while I go silk
- Mai
S. Carolina chapter 75 . 8/20/2012
Dear Bad Touch Trio (I am NOT going to ask about that title),

Heard you were doing letters, thought I'd sent you some since TWO of you gave my sister and I living HELL when we were colonies of England, I refuse to address him as uncle after all the crap with the Revolutionary War. But, to get things off my chest; Spain you jerk you caused Madison and I so much trouble with trade with your damned armadas! Don't even think we forgot how much money we lost because of you! And France; you good-for-nothing, perverted, back-stabbing, weaker-then-the-weakest-link, snail-loving, prideful, idotic, narcissistic, jerk! You gave me us so much trouble with the French and Indian War and we were taxed almost our clothes off by England, and don't give me the nonesense of "I helped you in the end of the Revolutionary War" you only showed up when it showed we were winning!

Ranting aside, I do have a question for the three of you, Madison has been trying to make friends (make any move on her and hell shall come swiftly upon thy heads) and much to my, and dad's, alarm she made friends with Russia. I'm worried for more then the fact we had to deal with Belarus about 1,376 times now, but the fact I heard dad who heard from one of the nations (he was too fired up to say who) that Russia has an...interest in her to say that least. Any of you have any ideas what to do? And if there's an anti-Belarus repellent, do you know where I can find and buy it?

Andrew Jones
The State of South Carolina

P.S. If Madison writes to you I swear by all that's holy I will send you something worst then an angry letter if any of you make any 'advances' on her.
Sassy Scroll chapter 75 . 6/29/2012
Hey, Granpa France.

It's me, Cherokee (Indian Territory/Oklahoma). I miss you guys coming over to my house. It's pretty hot over here, so I recommend coming later in the year. I also sent a box of wine and beer, since I know how my granpa an' favorite uncles are.

Anyway, my dad (America) is being really unfair. He won't let me date St. Petersburg because Russia kinda adopted him from Finland an' Sweden.

Cherokee Carriedo-Bonneyfoy-Jones
animegirl1012 chapter 74 . 6/6/2012

Spain: Yes Spanish is quite a beautiful language. It is one of the few languages I try to find songs for to help calm me down since I'm a soon to be college art student.

France: Yes there is a French club but they rarely met so I was stuck with a French dictionary. Oh well.

Prussia: Not everyone. I have a friend who says they're part Russian.

ElizabethKirkland235 chapter 75 . 6/4/2012
Dear Bad Touch Trio,

I have some things to ask of you.

France: PLEASE don't hit on me you frog! You may do whatever with Arthur.

Spain: I was shocked by Sicily too and I sent scones to make you feel better. :D

Prussia: DON NOT spy on me EVER AGAIN! I have purposely burnt scones that can be used as a weapon!

Oh and also don't mess with my Alfred or I'll KILL YOU WITH MY BUTCHER KNIFE! *blushes at thought of America*

With tea and scones,

Elizabeth (England) Kirkland
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