Reviews for Secret Past
anonymousvoice chapter 9 . 2/20/2019
My first time checking the Lemonade Mouth fics in awhile and found this one. It’s really good so far - hard to make a prediction as to what’ll happen next as I read. I think you should continue with the rewrite - since it’s unfinished just repost the newer versions of the chapters? I don’t think you have to keep both versions.
FabinaForever11 chapter 8 . 8/10/2018
I would love for you to revamp the story! I suggest deleting the chapters and starting over, instead of just replacing the chapters as you go. Sometimes if you just replace them, and email won't be sent out to the readers. You could also leave this story up as it is and make a whole new story and label it as the revamped one.
TheLifeStruggleIsREAL chapter 9 . 11/5/2016
Hey just read this story and think its pretty great if you are gonna continue this story then I will be excited for the next chapter
mxj.nqw chapter 9 . 6/19/2016
Hi. I'm really sorry about what has happened in your life and I think that you're very brave to write about your own experience. I was really hoping that you could update your story as I really like it. I wanna know what happens to all of them (especially Wen and Olivia).
Your story is Amazinggg
I know this is late as I only got into fanfiction earlier in the year.
Kurt Cakes chapter 9 . 12/12/2015
SLAYYYYY. Guess who found youuuuuuu. Hello. It me. I am going to read this whole story. And then I will read all the other stories. And I should be writing my paper. Or sleeping. Or anything but this. BUT HEY I MAKE BAD LIFE CHOICES WE BOTH KNOW THAT. Okay. I love you Blainey. 3
Elizabeth chapter 9 . 9/29/2015
So sorry for the lecture I just saw the date sorry
Elizabeth chapter 9 . 9/29/2015
Hey, it's Elizabeth plz plz plz don't not make any more chapters just because of one ********* ( excuse the made up swearing) a lot of people who really like this story ( one in a million 7-8 billion people on the planet). So plz plz plz write more, if I was annoying sorry and if you don't end up making more can you update and tell us because I hate it when people just stop writing without saying, sorry this is really long.
Elizabeth chapter 9 . 9/17/2015
i love this story, and btw I find it very realistic I know you're much further in right now but keep writing! It's amazing!
P.S. You schooled that person who said its not realistic and I love your style of writing!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/12/2015
Okay whoever wrote that comment obviously doesnt know shit becuz 1.) this author is living proof tht u can get stabbed more than once and still live. And 2.) ur actually wrong about most rape cases getting a restraining order. The author is right about 60% doesnt even tell. Thats completely true. And ik becuz my father is a police officer. And a restraining order? Really?! Obviously ur stupid becuz if u rape a teenage girl, u dont get a restraining order. U go fucking jail for life or close to life. Okay. So whoever wrote that comment needs to quit trying to be a know it all becuz everything u said was wrong. Also, the author, is such an inspiration. You are truly an inspiration!
LostInADream13 chapter 9 . 1/19/2015
Whoever posted that is an idiot. I'm sure this isn't really going to make a difference, but I'm sorry that something like that happened to you. Anyway, this is an amazing story. Have a good day.
JanethWay chapter 7 . 1/11/2014
I love it! I want to now whats happen :o
molka.kso chapter 5 . 1/5/2014
Hello idk if you ever had a biology lesson in your life but the stomach is a vital organ plus she was stabbed not ones but several times so i'm pretty sure she's dead not in a coma and while i was reading i thought to myself if olivia is dead than you're genious if she survives i'm gonna stop reading just please make her wounds more realistic. Ps: usually rape victims get restraining order.. and srsly in the woods first she's not wearing much plus thers a maniac in the same house...
Guest chapter 8 . 10/19/2013
Thx! Plz update!
Guest chapter 8 . 10/17/2013
Guest chapter 8 . 9/21/2013
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