Reviews for incalculable myriads of millenniums
Gap Between the Lines chapter 1 . 7/13/2014
Okay, seriously, I think I might cry. I don't know whether that's because I read this at almost 1am and therefore my emotions are like 'wheee, freedom! let's make her cry hysterically because we can', or because the story was so bittersweet it made my heart hurt.
I think it might be a bit of both.
You said not to favourite the story without commenting, and I know how annoying (and soul crushing) it is when no one takes the time to actually review, so yeah. Here's me. Reviewing.
I think I liked the first reincarnation best (when they were soldiers) since nothing really made enough sense but there was an occasional snippet of clarity (actually, come to think of it, I liked how that happened throughout the whole story), like when it said Alfred had his brains blown out. That was the point at which I actually realised they were fighting. But my favourite part was when they died together. It sounds so morbid but seriously it was cute and bittersweet and really, quite cliché but the nice cliché that sort of warms your heart and makes you want to cry with joy and despair at the same time.
The different reincarnations were similar enough for it to be more than coincidence that Matthew and Gilbert continuously met each other (e.g. They had more-or-less the same group of friends throughout the different reincarnations) but they were also obviously unique lives as oppose to sections of the same one. Ending the story with the birds mentioned at the beginning also rounded it off beautifully and the description of the two birds together was kind of very adorable.
Another, last, thing I loved was the caption at the beginning saying it was the ending, and the caption at the end saying it was the beginning. It was simple and may not have affected anyone else, but I saw them and they made me think (it was also quite cute thinking that them flying off together was just a beginning for them and despairing that the story started at the end of one of their lives).
I hope you continue to write amazing fiction, even if not all of it is adorable Hetalia fanfiction (there's only so much of that the world can take [that was an unconscious pun, I swear]). Any mistakes I have made in my review (be it spelling errors or misinterpretation of the storyline) are the product of my sleep-deprived, still emotionally unstable mind and I apologise profusely for them. I tried to make this review legible, I swear.
ATouchofWinter chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
It just kept getting better and better. The ending was very sweet. I liked how open each part was, just a taste of each life, and I could fill in all the blanks myself. I especially loved the one on the train.
The BW chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
um, i usually favorite stories without reviewing, but you said please, and this is such a nice piece.

actual review time! some of the parts made me cry- actually, all of them did. this is really awesome. keep writing!
DEmpress chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
I like the format of the vignettes, and the way they all tie together. Thank you for writing and posting this on !
phoenixphlight chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Every time I read this, it has another surprise for me. I love the poetry and bittersweet tone. The ending is beautiful and hopeful. Thank you for writing this.
Sweet Jelly Hearts chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
Holy shit I am crying.

Why am I crying.

Tears, no. Stop it. It's 3:30 in the morning.

I can't explain what it is about this story that makes me feel so... so... there's a word for it, but I can't think of it. It's... Morose? Beautiful? Comforting? Familiar scenes and random tidbits from lives passed, destined to meet again and again after death...

I love it.
merrygould chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
I was about to give into my laziness and favorite without reviewing, but then I saw that last sentence and I was all 'dammit.' see, I wasn't always a fan of PruCan. At times, I thought they were downright annoying. But if disliking them at first meant missing out on /this/, then I curse myself.

Contrary to what you said, I thought the endings were perfect. I've read many stories- brilliant stories, with humor and romance and tragedy and everything in between -which finish with such an unfulfilling ending, that it makes you think: 'why the fuck did I just read this? Waste of time.'

I personally hate- no, /despise/ the very core of those endings. It's like you've tainted a masterpiece with a paragraph or two that's so, or barely /average/.

These endings weren't bad, really. Also keep in mind that you are not ending a giant story, you are ending small drabbles. In these, what happens next can only be heavily implied, because there is no spectacular plot or copection of scenes going on. It's when you're writing these drabbles, that (if you explain the situation well enough) you can be lazy and end them however you want to, and it will still make sense.

That little bit in the end will forever make me aww. Canary!GilbertxGoose!Canada? Pffft XD;;
PokePyro chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
Holy snap on a biscuit with chocolate icing.

I think I was crying a little there.

Also I was grinning like a moron at the beginning? End? Middle? How about let's go with "maybe sort of start of the endingish part of the two-thirds-through chapter of the middling area of the universal timeline which isn't so much a line as a squiggly sort of timey-wimey ball" and forget it, I'll never understand anything. Except for the fact that some people can. And you are one of them.
BurningtoAshes chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
This was beautiful. Gorgeous.

...I really can't think of anything else to say. Bravo, my dear. Bravo.
Darcy Cole chapter 1 . 11/26/2011
That ending was so sweet :)
whatshiscape chapter 1 . 11/15/2011

this story is, certainly, one of my favorites storys about Prussia and Canada.

really, I simply love the way you write, and your idea about the whole thing.

the reincarnation I liked the most is the four. I mean, I loved the story as one whole, but the fourth, gosh, it stucked in my mind.

congrats, really.
Kagimine chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Oh my god. This tore at my heartstrings. I absolutely loved it!
dicaeopolis chapter 1 . 7/14/2011

Not much of a review, but I didn't want to fave without leaving one. Did you do that on purpose, so people would see 'please don't favorite without reviewing' just as they were about to do just that?
to-infinity chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
This is beautiful! No really, it's exactly that. There's this odd charm in the way you write, like that rambling sound that isn't actually rambling because it's something else entirely that I can't name. Oh well.

I love all of Matthew's different lives. Like, they're all so Canada. I'm not making sense, am I? Whatever. Basically, this is like one of the best concepts I've seen in ages and you pulled it off spectacularly. ;D
PruCan4evar chapter 1 . 6/27/2011
Some time periods in this story made me cry. But mostly it just made me tear up and smile.
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