Reviews for Morning Never Comes
starlight.moon.princess chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
I love the way you've started the poem.
The phrase [he forgot how to fly] is particularly powerful, because Dean is the one character over all others who seems bound by duties, especially towards Sam. They're something he can never escape from, and that phrase has conveyed all of the weight of the relationship between the Winchester brothers very well.

You've written Dean's forced transformation into an adult very well, and I can see the way he's conflicted - he doesn't want to stop being a child, but he knows his father and brother both need him in their own ways, and he's determined to be there for them.

I love the imagery of [Sewn to their souls with unyielding threads.] I think it's all the more poignant when you consider how many times they've been resurrected, because that's one thing that never leaves them, no matter how many times they die - the shadows on their souls.

The ending was perfect :)
You've shown the hopelessness they feel brilliantly with those words.

This was lovely.
Well done! :)
darkaccalia520 chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
As you know, I don't know much about Supernatural. But I know enough from what you've told me so that I think I understood this perfectly. You've captured the angst of the situation perfectly. How sad with what happened. My favorite line: "The night he pulled his brother from the fire, he forgot how to fly." I loved that because you told me that they're angels...and that just captures the mood perfectly. And the wandering and the've shown that too. Such a moving piece. I loved it. :)
Esther Huffleclaw chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
This is amazing. I love how you've used the Peter Pan imagery to illustrate this. What a great idea. I especially like the line that their shadows are "sewn to their souls with unyielding threads."
CelestialSonata7 chapter 1 . 3/8/2012
Nice! I like that bit "Never quite grasping a thought happy enough." as in like Peter Pan right? Where you need happy thoughts to fly. Very good! :D
Sloan33 chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
Wonderful emotions and I could literally feel the family splitting- the depth of this simple poem is too great to be put on words and all I have to say is - well done.
LivingForTv chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Sad and despairing. But beautiful.
AngelisIgniRelucent chapter 1 . 6/26/2011
this is simply beautiful.
IrishNun chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
great poem... quite sad!