Reviews for Jealousy
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2016
Sweet :3
MissMJS chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
Awwww, hehe xD
The.Clown.That.Smiles chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
Well damn...

I think this is my favourite piece by you, and I can't believe you thought he was soft in this. No way. I love your Joker in this, in general, and I simply adore your Harley.

Their relationship truly does seem to be focused more on manipulation and a possessive controlness, and you show this very well from Harley's view here, how her anger grows over Rachel, giving a possesive side to her character.

And, though I have told you before, I simply adore your Joker. Crazy right down to a T, a sadistic pathos of humour, and a sharp retaliation that is still one big game at the end of it all, and Harley really slided well into this at showing a slice of insight into the Joker's character.

I loved this bit so much,

"Not yet, Harls. There's always a time for you to shine. But not now."

Then this part was just the epitome of amazing

"What girl?" The Joker asked, taking off his purple trench coat. "Oh, I'll need you to wash my coat."

Harley glared at him. "The girl at Wayne's party. That girl you talked to."

He licked his lips. Harley knew that he knew exactly what she was talking about. He was just humoring her.

"What did she look like?"

"You know what she looked like?" Without a thought, Harley grabbed another nearby flower pot (which was also missing a flower) and threw it at him. Her aim was accurate and the pot crashed into the Joker's head, shattering into a million pieces.

Shockingly, Harley didn't regret hitting him. He deserved it. She still remembered that ugly girl's face, and how close he was to her. Then he told her she was beautiful. Was he getting bored of her? Was she no longer pretty? But she wasn't wearing any makeup like hers to match him! Why would he want her?

The Joker's eyes narrowed at Harley. He clutched his bleeding forehead, grunting for a moment. "What did I tell you about starting on the head, Harls?"

It gives the sick, twisted, view of their relationship. Harley, whom holds a possesive temper, and the Joker who plays back at her with humour, leaving to a dark retaliation that is all done in a calm manner. It really shows how crazy he is.

And even though I have moved my authors on my different account, I'm favouriting you, because I adore your work, and... I'm about to reply to your message now.

Brilliant work, as always.