Reviews for Where You'll Find Me Now
Guest chapter 38 . 8/17/2019
AsWeDie chapter 43 . 12/2/2018
Not trying to sound bitchy or anything, but do you realize it's been nearly five years since you've updated anything on this story? I mean, honestly, you're leaving us hanging. I'm extremely intrigued by the last chapter. Are Sirius and O'Malley gonna run away and join a circus or not, ugh. Once again, not trying to sound at all remotely bitchy in anyway what so ever, I just really enjoy your story.

P.S. I know that they're probably not gonna join a circus. Lily would never let that happen because if Sirius was leaving James would want to go with him and we all know Lily is in love with James. But truthfully if Hogwarts isn't a circus, I don't know what is.
Abby chapter 43 . 7/9/2018
I know it’s been 3 years but I still think about this story. Truly one of the best (probably THE best) fanfiction I’ve read. I have read it over and over and enjoy it like it was the first time. If you ever decide to do a rewrite, you’d have at least one reader, but I’m certain you’d have much more than that.
lizzzsunshine chapter 43 . 7/10/2017
I really, really loved this fic. You're an extremely talented writer with a wicked sense of humor. You really brought the characters to life. I understand why you stopped, but holy crap did you leave us hanging at a very crucial part!
omgitsmelly chapter 43 . 5/18/2017
Please update! This story is fantastically written. I read it all in two days non stop. The fact that you ended it at that moment made me almost rip my hair off lol. If you wish to not continue the story I would still love to know the general outcome of how you thought the story would end. Did you plan on bringing the story once James and Lily died? When Sirius gets locked up in Azkaban? How about when he escapes later on and when he is killed? Like I'm dying to know if Gemma is around in any of this or if she is even alive for that matter. Anyways thank you for writing such an amazing story. I've favorited this and you as an author so I can re-read this later on. I hope you are doing well and once again thank you for this story :)

Ariya Nawar chapter 2 . 5/2/2017
I nearly died of laughter! Especially when Sirius started talking about himself in third person.

"Sirius is sad. Sirius take nap now."
Guest chapter 23 . 2/15/2017
you have a great sense of humour!
It Belongs In A Museum chapter 42 . 10/30/2016
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you so much for this story. It's honestly one of my favorites-probably my favorite Marauders HP fic (if not my favorite HP fic in general) and every once and a while I come back and read it just to experience it all over again. I love your writing and Gemma so very much. I know it's been discontinued, and I'm not here to ask you to write more. I just want to convey how much i truly love the two and a half novels worth of story you gave us all. It's made me smile, laugh, and cry a little bit. Thank you for all of the time and dedication. I am grateful for it and you!
ChloeBrooke chapter 37 . 11/8/2015
Probably going to drop this story soon sorry. I just can't stand when the author drags the story out like this. I love the way you write though.
Guest chapter 43 . 5/14/2015
i would most definitely love to see this completed and your perfect way.
ChocolatBonBon chapter 43 . 3/3/2015
you write so well! I am so jealous. This is such an interesting story, and I love how you write the characters. anyways just thought id leave this review, to let you know how much im enjoying this. I read this in one day, its that good! and I really hope you update in the future? :)
littledrops chapter 4 . 3/3/2015
i love this story! so interesting, so glad I found it. I'm only on chapter four and its awesome.
DZumez chapter 43 . 1/15/2015
I got excited when I saw that this had updated today... and then I realized that it was from exactly a year ago... I can understand though why you would choose not to continue but I dearly hope that you will revisit these characters again someday! :)
ilikethistoomuch chapter 43 . 12/31/2014
PLEASE start this again I am BEGGING you I would get on my knees in front of you if I could. You are a brilliantly fabulous author and I would absolutely LOVE to hear more about these characters. I have basically continued the story in my head, but you would write it SO much better than me. You probably won't read this, seeing as it's almost a year since the last note was published, but I sincerely hope you do. Thanks for taking time to read this, if you do. 3
Guest chapter 43 . 12/24/2014
Please please please keep writing this it is freaking amazing I spent a whole two days reading almost every one of your stories. I especially love Sirius and Gemma. OTP3
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