Reviews for Sister Dearest
Freak of nature chapter 4 . 2/7/2016
Aranel Celebrenlam chapter 4 . 10/26/2014
WOW! Great story! So I know it's been three years since you last updated so you probably have had a lot going on or you didn't feel like updating but it would be wonderful if you did again. I would really love to see how you would have the rest of the story play out from here. Best of luck with possible future chapters and/or stories.
Charlie'sLooney chapter 4 . 9/8/2014
Hi. Should really continue with this story. IT is really promising and I really like the sibling dynamic between Erik and Annabelle. Of course I'm a sucker too for Charles?oc and Annabelle seems like a really interesting character. Update the story! Great job!
IWillNeverStopFangirling chapter 4 . 6/26/2014
Really enjoying this so far :)
Can't wait to read more!
SaySomethingNiceDarling chapter 4 . 2/20/2014
jesus wasnt expecting this relationship for her and charles its odd how he just doesnt seem to like her if anything i was thinking he would like her right away. but i still hope you put them together besides not all relationships start with people liking eachother so i hope you change this to a charles/oc story aka annabelle. and you know give a better discription of her looks and gift. why do i feel her torture was worse then eriks? like pyshically wise? okay im seriously sick of her always shaking and crying you make her seem so childish i wish you would fix that i like her but i wish you would make her stronger when it comes to her past and herself he shaking and crying makes her seem weak and i know she isnt otherwise she wouldnt have survived this long. im still trying to figure out why charles doesnt seem to like her you write him like he only cares for erik and i want to know why he doesnt seem to like annabelle? and she doesn't like him thinks he is an annoying prat which is a first.
SaySomethingNiceDarling chapter 3 . 2/20/2014
she is alot like charles with her view on life. i wouldnt think she would be so nervous and shaky/tearful but then again these are people that experimented on her if it was me i would be as pissed as erik. she is very emotional for these people who were part of her torture its odd how she is so emotional for it and erik is so closed off for it. um you keep making her sound ugly 'stubby legs' 'large body' like you could atleast make her sound as pretty as i am picturing her. i wish you would explain her gift better besides saying it needs the sun and she doesnt use it thought she should learn to so she doesnt loose control again. haha fucking new she would be holding erik when he held on to the sub! well thats one way to meet charles. her always crying is seriously starting to annoy me though. still hope for her and charles to be together!
SaySomethingNiceDarling chapter 2 . 2/20/2014
i beg of you please put her and charles together! oh and like calling her annie like only him because its cute! its been stuck in my head since i read the first chapter please! while i do picture her eriks light i do think she will have a dark side when it comes to shaw and what he did to her and erik. so she can heal? i wonder if she would be able to heal charles when he gets shot if she can heal that is? yesss Charles is coming!
SaySomethingNiceDarling chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
I wonder will she do what raven did and go to be with Charles like raven did with erik? I hope you put her with Charles I really like the idea of her with Charles! so what is her gift exactly like she gives life to things? i keep picturing the boat scene where erik is holding on to it but i picture her like holding him while he holds the boat. i also picture her like his light the one who pulls him back when he goes to far over the edge who is always there for him. but i really love the idea her of and charles together and i really hope you put them together
LeftEyeObsession chapter 4 . 1/24/2014
WHY IS THIS STORY NOT CONTINUED?! It's good & can go somewhere! Omggggg please look at your story again and write!
Warrior chapter 4 . 12/11/2013
I really love this story. It's so sweet and well- written! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 4 . 10/19/2013
Keep writing!
ThePhantomismyLove chapter 4 . 10/1/2013
Please write more
The Chuckling Pocket Watch chapter 4 . 9/26/2013
Holy balls, am I late to the party. I know you haven't updated in almost two years, but could you drop me a line and let me know if you're gonna continue? I'm liking this fic.
pixieVAMP393 chapter 4 . 2/17/2013
katniss12 chapter 4 . 12/17/2012
Please update again
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