Reviews for Three's A Crowd
N4i chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
What the fuck was I thinking? I wrote in the review of your Inertia Creeps fanfiction that "PS. Your sex-scenes aren't half-bad"
. I didn't mean for you to go blow my mind a second time. This was freaking good! Smut aside, this is well written and enjoyable in every sense! Instead of writing my meekly praise in the PS section I should have bloody shouted it over the rooftops! You're shit good at this. Creds to you. I want more of this now. I've always wanted a story facing the trouble a SebaCiel romance would have with Lizzie in the way. And I totally agree with you on that people should stop hating on her. Admittedly I understand why people think she's a pain in the ass. But if anyone would actually take the time and look into her bloody character maybe we could all come to an agreement she's worth of respect.
Anyways, good work. I still like you. And I get the feeling the more I read the longer that opinion will linger. Thank you for the enjoyable read.~
It's a little secret chapter 1 . 7/25/2014
Oh god Sebastian is so it
OhMychi chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
With a slightly shameful smile I say this was excellent! Im waiting in an update for your asylem black butler ff and I just love your writing style so much I had to check out another sorry! If you don't mind, I have a plot I would like to suggest, since you are such an amazing writer I would love to see you write this :D For a new sorry, what if ciel's mom was single and Sebastians dad was single, and ciel and Sebastian slightly knew each other from school, but they didn't really talk much. Sebastian could be the sharp tongued bad ass that is very humorous, and ciel could be the anti social genius that gets the "mysterious" boy title. And when their parents start to date, they some how fall for each other along the way! I don't know I think it's good haha. You definitely don't have to use it, I just love your writing style so much I could'nt help but suggest something to you! I really want to read more of your work -
Kuro-Otaku292 chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
Aaawwww poor lizzy.
Ciel...iam have no words for u...I neither discusted nor amused.
Sebastian, oh typical devious snarky Sebastian, he's so awesome in this fic u captured him perfectly
Their r fanfics were Ciel's likes Sebastian and lizzy and cant choose so one randomly dies or he has an one both knew Ciel was in love with Sebastian and lizzy thy didn mind and shared him bt in this one thy litterly SHARE him, bt hey if u can't choose just have threesome sex lol loved the story u should continue it.
LilacSoul chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
You kidding me? That was probably one of the best smut I've ever read.
Sora.Ciel chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
It's not awful, I love it! If Ciel and Lizzie get married, it probably would happen. XD

And about Lizzie, I don't hate her, she's just not one of my favorites. But I started liking her a little more after the ship voyage arc. Also, I love how she only wants Ciel to be happy, although I don't like her fluffiness.
Satoshi'sBabe chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
that was good. XD i like the end its kind of amusing
Mello chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
This was amazing, but I feel a bit bad for Lizzie. Even though I totally ship sabby/ciel. But the AN made me feel a bit better you go Lizzie! lol
Aservis Roturier chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Of course, not awful. Quite well written. Tell you what though, had I been in her place I'd've done a good bit more to break that shit up."I want to please my husband. You obviously know all about it: show me how." Only got one mouth, demon! Difficult to do both at once and what could he say, no? Might say I don't have the equipment (But never in front of Ciel if he knows what's good for him!) but I have most of it by god, and I can fake the rest! I wouldn't have him myself, but if Ciel *were* mine I would definitely fight for him just for the principle of the thing if nothing else. Not bashing the girl, just saying. Women still found ways to fight their battles back then, just in less direct ways. And such things did happen. People are still the same, then and now and will get away with what you *let* them get away with.-AR
xBrokenStars chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
Wow interesting pairing! I feel kind of bad for Lizzie because... Well her husband's butler is pleasing him more than she is. Love it :)
sesshyluhvr chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
luhvd this 3
Crimson613 chapter 1 . 5/18/2012
this was i don't really like lizzie (or threesomes xo) as ciel's wife (i think shes great in the manga) but the way you showed the differences here...with ciel's reactions was just amazing. really liked this :)
Friendly Neighborhood Stalker chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
I thought this was pretty good :3

I'm not sure why I hate Lizzie, cause she's basically just like me! (Cept we look different) but I think the reason I hate her is beause she gets in the way of my CielxSebastian fantasies...
Jenmoon1 chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
oh wow hot
snow chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
This was really nicely done. I very much liked it, especially the way you depicted the relationship between Ciel and Sebastian with very little dialogue between the two. Would love to see more like this one.
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