Reviews for Summer Romance
meh chapter 2 . 6/1/2016
Yusaka Sakuma chapter 2 . 1/16/2012
.Ever! I wish there were more stories on meito *sighs* Hes so sexy and wonderful and he...he needs more love ;A; I loved hte detail you used and everything about this story. I got really into it U Great job
Ryunosuke Ryusei chapter 2 . 7/15/2011
Wow...that was sexy...

But it also had a lot of cute parts too so everybody wins!


Kaiko is adorable as always and the way Meikto totally messed with her makes me think of Meiko teasing poor poor Kaito. XD

Mikuo made me wonder how old he thinks he is and the tuna freaks scared me.

Piko and Miki hating each other is totaly a lie.

Gakupo's fail flirting was true though. XD

This was a pretty good (and sexy) fanfic and you should totaly (better) write more soon.
CristalCutter chapter 2 . 6/22/2011
Wow! This is the first Kaiko X Meito lemon EVER! This story was amazing and I hope you keep writing for that pair cuz you write awesomely! I lahv yoo (I love you) now && I'm very pleased because of this story! Keep writing! U