Reviews for Marine Knots
fightboredom chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
I really like this story. I've reread it a few times.

Two things I'll comment on though:

White court hunger. Based on Lord Raith going 30 years without feeding and being just as physically strong and fast as ever in the fight in the Deep, it's not like food for a person. It's like gas in a car. If you don't use it, it doesn't go anywhere and it can stay indefinitely. Better analogy, it's like NOS. You can drive the car forever on normal gas at normal speeds but drawing on the demon for super strength/speed uses NOS.

Likewise the vamps strength is inherent like the model of the car and isn't related to how full their NOS tank is, ie how much/often they're feeding. IMO anyway.

Two, you can burn a body pretty well even though it's mostly water. Military grade flamethrowers (like what burned Harry's hand) do it easily and I'm sure Harry's Fuego isat least as effective.
The Shadow Wolfe chapter 1 . 12/2/2018
A most excellent story. Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
I was confused when I read the summary. Then I saw it was a crossover between NCIS and the Dresden Files. I laughed loudly.
Fullmetal11791 chapter 1 . 4/4/2018
Glad I found this, very cool one shot. Thought it was a little anti climactic at the end, buuut still a fun read.
zebramouse chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
This story had me at the edge of my seat. Well written (if light on the final fight scene, which means that my imagination got to fill it in, with more gore and fire than would be allowed on NCIS, but sadly with less Dresden snark), true to the characters from both sides of the cross-over, and very well plotted/set up.

Thank you for writing such a wonderful read.
Adelled chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Wonderful blending of the two shows. Thanks!
thewingedmoose chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
That was brilliant. Thank you
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
huh, nice story
Triscribe chapter 1 . 12/10/2016
This, is an absolutely EPIC crossover. You came up with a great plot, handled all the points of view perfectly, and blended it all fantastically! I really enjoyed reading this ;D
Eagle Dreamer chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Awesome story. I loved it.
suteko1 chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
Fun reading
akbarironoak chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
I wish there was a follow-up to this, because the feds becoming aware of the supernatural because of this would be interesting. All in all, nice mix. 8/10
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Very good
scorpioneldar chapter 1 . 11/5/2015
that was actually pretty good
felt like a mix of some of the more serious NCIS episodes and lighthearted Dresden Files shorts from Side Stories
i like it
ah but the soul gaze would throw off Gibbs to no end especially if he uses it consistently
failing to meet Gibbs eyes is very nearly a crime to him
and man if any team is made of white knights it is this one
the sight tells him what the office never knew
this is the most valuable team they could ever have
Brenden chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
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