Reviews for Second or Third Chances
sami1010220 chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
ahh, so good! :D
TexasTurtleFan chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
Oh, amazing twin of mine!

There are just no words for how much I love this! At least, the are no words to directly describe the feeling of love for this. I will however, go into excruciating detail of the things I love about this since that's the point of a review. ;)

I absolutely ADORED the intensity of Blaine's feelings for Kurt and just how much they scare him. Caring that much for someone makes you so vulnerable and that is freaking TERRIFYING! It was so amazingly written, each time he backed out. It made me want to cry when I read his thoughts but then read what he was actually saying. And then I wanted to cry for Kurt who just keeps getting hurt over and over again. Again, you've offered me such awesome angst and I ate it up like the junkie I am.

Now, I do not believe in Kurtofsky. AT ALL! I can understand that Karofsky is going through a really hard time in his life. I get that he's scared out of his mind and confused and frustrated and probably wants to rip his hair out. I get it. But I just can't forgive what he's done to Kurt and the fact that he threatened to kill Kurt reveals a darkness in him that I think everyone is forgiving and forgetting a little too easily.

However, you won me over with one line.

"Furthermore, he wants me and needs me in a way no one else ever has... I deserve that Blaine."

This is such a brilliant perspective! Because from here, I can see how maybe Kurt can be the mentor, the one who's leading. He spends a lot of his time chasing after others, searching for affection, screaming to be heard. It's nice for once, for Kurt to have someone show interest in him, to treat him like he matters. Because, as much as it KILLS me to say it, Blaine has kind of failed to do this.

And here I must thank you for bringing up the rather overlooked, more unattractive points of Blaine and Kurt's relationship. Does it bother anyone else how easily Blaine gets let off the hook for the things he's done that might have hurt Kurt? I love Blaine (A LOT) but he did make a lot of mistakes. And we never got to see how exactly he and Kurt made up each time. The next week, it was if nothing happened. I was really starved for some resolution, or at least a release from the tension. So thank you for giving us this. And for having Kurt end up forgiving Blaine because I would have cried endlessly if Klaine didn't happen.

So yeah, this was just plain gorgeous. It made me almost tear up and that is hard to do, dear twin. I watched Old Yeller and I didn't cry but I read this and had to hold back tears. Job well done.
ThinkBigDreamBigger chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
Nawwwww! So adorable! You're a great writer :)
xSlythStratasfaction chapter 1 . 6/2/2011
Oh my God, this was sooooo good. I died a little bit inside when Kurt told Blaine he was with Karofsky, but I'm glad everything worked out in the end! Amazing fic! :)
congotandsja chapter 1 . 6/2/2011
This was perfect. I really enjoyed it. Every second.