Reviews for Thar'nDa S' Yin'tekai
Primus2021 chapter 2 . 6/18/2013
Team 10 was Ino Shikamaru and Chouji, in 'Fan-non' it is commonly believed the Team Gai is Team 9. and yes I like the thought of the Predator Konoha 12.
jesse.james.3762 chapter 4 . 6/12/2013
cant wait for the next chapter keep up the good work
jesse.james.3762 chapter 2 . 6/12/2013
Please dont make the like predators naruto and hinata should be the only one the rest dont really deserve it
jesse.james.3762 chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
I love this idea the whole global warming thing creating the elemental nation and the xover is great. Your writing style is equal to most published books out now. I hope to one day read a book you have written if it is anything like this story sicif and what not keep up the good work cant wait to read more.
TheFoxSummoner Clan-Head chapter 4 . 6/11/2013
Impressive story it's one of the best avp naruto naruto crossovers I've read.
ghost fox chapter 4 . 6/10/2013
this is very good can't wait to see what will happen next
no name chapter 4 . 6/10/2013
update soon
Leaf Ranger chapter 4 . 6/10/2013
*blinks* Okay...why on earth would naruto be on team 7?

Sorry but honestly...that's jsut the worst team to put him on. Not jsut because Sakura and Sasuke hate Naruto, but also because his skill sets CLEARLY put him as being better for Team 8 then Kiba.

Yes Kiba is a tracker so he fits on team 8, but considering they already ahve a Hyuuga and Aburame there, it's overkill. And putting Kiba on team 7 instead of naruto means Team 7 has a tracker who cna fight. While naruto on team 8 gives them the much needed muscle they need to be able to fight if need be. Not to mention naruto's tracking skills are far superior.

*shrugs* I guess I'll try to see whatever reasoning you have behind Naruto on team 7, but honestly, it's the worst team for him.

Anyways, very nice chapter here, very nice indeed. but if they arrange for Hinata to be married to that dude, I'll guyt them before naruto can. I swear I will.

And you know what else? That actually should be illegal and treasonous. Hinata is a ninja of Konoha now. That means she's under the command of the Hokage. Menaing the Elders cna't jsut go and decide Hinata should be married to someone like that, the Hokage has to approve since it concerns one of his ninjas.

Sorry for the long rant. Just...energetic. Lots of energy. Need to write lots of stuff. XDDD;

keeep up the awesome work!
Rose Tiger chapter 4 . 6/10/2013
Sasuke you hypocrite! Somebody do something about those stupid Hyugas!
shadowfang jutsu chapter 3 . 2/12/2012
this fic is so awesome plz you have keep this fic going i beg you plz don't kill my buzz i most have more of this awesome fic
WarFlower chapter 2 . 12/7/2011
No! Don't give the others amazing kick ass abilities! The story is great in and of it's self. You are truley amazing Dragrako the Weaver. Although it would be cool for Naruto to teach a little of what he knows to Hinata. She is also bad ass so that is cool. But dude it's your story. I know I hate when people try to tell ME how to write MY stories. XD well there is my two cents.

Happy Hunting D
WarFlower chapter 3 . 12/5/2011
AWWWWWW thats tooooo bad ( Hope you Ge
Thorfaxdragonkin chapter 2 . 9/25/2011
Naruto should be the only predator besides his clan members in that village.
xFreezedx chapter 3 . 9/24/2011
Great, love this so much! Please make Chapter 3 soon!
No.1 Naruhina Fan chapter 2 . 9/2/2011
I loved this chapter so much, thumbs up!

I'd love to see Hinata t become a predator. But honestly, It would be better just to leave it to 1 or 2 predators, otherwise it gets a bit old and you loose that uniqueness.

Update soon! .
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