Reviews for Wizards vs Dean
teddy2190 chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Hell ya I really enjoyed that that way really great and I hope to here more on this.
terboDC1980 chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
very sexy!
Stand bi me chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
that was soo fucking erotic bro... props for thinking that up! holy shit, i mean, despite that whole introduction, the way you made max into this hot, gay, horny "innocent" child who still needed to be protected by his brother who he is in love with and fucks him and still cares for him so much...gosh that as fucking brilliant. and the way justin was just so fucking unstoppable, to go and fuck TWICE then still get fucked and STILL go and delete those pictures? he's just amazing. and the way you made his smell int something so erotic..damn...

hey, i would love to talk to you. i have a lot more i'd like to tell you and ask you, so i cant wait to hear from you! keep cool, buddy.


(gosh what a hot porny fantasy...)
TheMaskedSlasher chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Dude, so hot. Seriously you should consider making a sequel, with less plot and more smut :p
kman08 chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
two thumbs up.
Dalmarti chapter 1 . 6/8/2011
Ok, since as far as I know I'm the only person to review this, I must say that it was dreadful. The story itself-(the ideal behind it)-was very good, but the actual story as is published on this site is horrible. It swings from person to person, with not enough detail or time spent on certain aspects, like location, and the fact that Dean is always spot-on about Max. On a whole the story is rushed, it speeds through the build-up parts to get to the end. I seriously suggest you consider rewritting this.