Reviews for Beauty and Sirius Black
Katis chapter 14 . 4/3/2006
In reply to 'Your Disgusting': learn proper grammer and stop being an arse.

I thought this story was positively adorable and had a plot that kept me guessing. Who could ask for anything more?

Great job Krusty.
Your disgusting chapter 1 . 2/3/2004
This was the biggest cock and bull i have ever read. This story was an insult to Harry Potter and all writers out there that want to inspire. What in the world was that in the ending? they just get married? because they had sex everywhere? Thats overly disgusting.
Jake chapter 3 . 6/16/2003
Don't sweat it, uranus jokes are funny when they're pointed at trelawney.
Miss British Teacakes chapter 1 . 4/13/2003
hehehe! Sirius is evil to Mrs. Norris
Devil Child chapter 14 . 8/30/2002
I am a Devil Bitch of few words. This is no exeption. Your story rocks, you rock and if you feel like it e-mail me later and week could chat.

(P.S I'm british and use my school e-mail. I could only reply on a week day.)
siriuslyinlove1 chapter 14 . 8/27/2002
Thanx so much for the was really good. I hope you're going to write a sequel with Lunar and Remus...even their names are made for each have to do It!
Jelsemium chapter 14 . 8/26/2002
Bravo! Loved Sirius' proposal (not to mention him blurting out Pat's full name in front of everybody!) Good job. *sniff* Excuse me, I always cry at weddings...
Mrs Grim chapter 14 . 8/25/2002
Ooooh! I loooved it! The ending was sooo great! Loved the touch of him embarassing her by proposing in front of everyone! It was so SWEET!

Wow, I can't believe that it's over. *sigh* Well, now you can continue the nice story and make Remus marry Luner. Wow what a nice idea. When are you geting started?

Pardon me, I think that my strawberry milkshake is going to my head. I really did enjoy the story! I hope that you do continue writing and maybe I will too someday. I have very busy. And now school is starting. Great, huh?

Well, I have to be running off now. Thanks again for the great story! :)

Mrs Grim

P.S.-Paris is amazing! I ate waaay too much and bought more than I thought (including the Harry Potter books in French. I had a laughing attack over "Soufpouffle"(or something like that) for Hufflepuff and some of the other name differences).

P.P.S.- if you don't know what's wrong with "groovy" I'm not going to tell you! _
Cosmic Diva chapter 14 . 8/25/2002
congratulations! this fic is definitely one of the greatest...and i'm in 100% agreement bout mrs. at flich's beck n call has got to be a nightmare_ I hope you're planning on startin another sirius (and i mean siroius, not serious...yea) fic cos they're great n he's great and all the other wonderful stuff_
Martha as in 'Martha and Squirel' but can't be bothered to sign in chapter 13 . 8/15/2002
y'know what?

I like this...

it pains me to say it, but i just found myself reading more. despite my previous insulting slatidge of this fic.

And where's this Severus fic? I want it!

*Martha does lots of squeeking and bobs up and down on her chair*

Mrs Grim chapter 13 . 8/14/2002
Wow. Hehe, my brain is SO still on Paris time and it took me a bit to work through that.

That was cool.

I mean, seriously, the whole Mrs Norris thing and stuff was quite ingenious! And I'm glad that it all turned out quite happily!

So- there is more, right? I'm in a very good mood after reading the end of the chapter! *sigh* Write more!

Well, I have to go, sorry this is short. I have to go camping soon and go shopping. I won't have more story until...a very long while I think. Summer is evil on my writing!

Mrs Grim :)

P.S.- Oh, I know! Wowsers is a great word! LOL! Well, you should have heard my dad...he said 'groovy' the other day. I fled.
Cosmic Diva chapter 13 . 8/11/2002
I LUV your story! i luv Sirius! i luv Sirius and Pat together! hehe...sorry, i am highly caffeinated at the moment_ LOL! i especially liked snape getting thumped on the nose! he deserves it once in awhile! and Mrs. Norris being the ministry spy? BRILLIANT!
siriuslyinlove1 chapter 13 . 8/11/2002
Hey, thanx for sharing your story with us! And I'm very, very glad you can't cause Sirius pain... How about an epilogue to this story? It would be the icing on the cake! BTW, could you email me the entire story? My address is:

Thanx :)
JoeBob1379 chapter 13 . 8/10/2002
I loved it! How many more chapters? Is there a sequel? This is sucha great story! Though this chapter was kinda short :( Oh well! At least it was a chapter! :) I'm glad my email cheered you up! I hope you'll post more soon!
Eressa chapter 13 . 8/10/2002
yay! It's been a while since I saw this story and i was incredibly glad to see the standard has not slipped! brilliant as ever!
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