Reviews for Learning Things the Hard Way
Elisfambasder chapter 4 . 9/8/2018
very impressive! please continue.
AllHeroesWearHats chapter 3 . 1/13/2017
This is a review which I fear comes far too late, but I want you to know that I love your take on this process, quite often this trope gets played out either comically or quickly brushed with minimal detail, so it's wonderful to see something as detailed and as serious as this.

I can only hope for more, but thank you very much for the three you've given!
NW nightwalker Hp chapter 3 . 6/20/2016
um america is older by 180 years than australia i found that hilarious
Sora Resi chapter 3 . 12/13/2013
This was brilliant :)
ThePatheticProfession chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
Omg so sad...I love it so much though. Please continue exploring this topic
Zeivira chapter 2 . 10/13/2012
Wow I love this... I love this type of fanfics... I don't have words to describe how I'm feeling right now... this is just amazing...
Lazy Gaga chapter 2 . 10/14/2011
Haha, what a traumatizing way to learn about death! Great job! XD
Anonyo chapter 2 . 7/5/2011
OHMYGOD I'm so happy right now :DDDDD I saw you updated and I just kneeeew and then I promptly fangasmed.

Well, actually I feel kinda sick, because Al's description of dying was so visceral a-and he felt like he had no control, 'cause he didn't...and how he couldn't hold onto his thoughts, they kept slipping away... This was so cool, author. Thank you for writing it! My heart was breaking for America *and* England, if only because he could never protect his boy as well as he wanted to.

And thanks also for clearing up the "what happens to the mess" bit. That's a really weird thing to think about, actually- how awkward would it be to scrub your own brains out of the carpet?

Brilliant! \o/
Holly-Batali chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
I'll admit, you had me at "temporary" character death; I was very curious. It was really good! You wrote America's reactions fabulously! I love how you handled the whole thing!
Anonyo chapter 1 . 6/2/2011
Alright, so I hardly ever review fics (at least, I haven't reviewed on this particular site in years!) but I just had to say something about this one. It was too, too amazing! I loved it so much! I love that you didn't shy away from the wound (because, c'mon, gunshot wound to the head? Not exactly pretty) and little!America's reaction was so heartwrenching...I kept thinking about what would've happened if he and England were just normal humans, how England never would have woken up and then chibi America's life would have been ao hard-gahh!

To be honest, I would be so thrilled if you made some kind of sequel to this. I'd love to hear England's explanation to America, ooooh, and maybe America's first death- from

something tragic that might happen in that era (getting caught under a wagon wheel, yellow fever, etc.) Just...I don't even know, haha. I just love your writing and your take on this and would kill to see more. I'm curious to know what happened to the blood and, ah, other 'material' from England's head that resulted from the gunshot...did he have to clean it up or did his brains magically soak back up in his head? lol

First read this on the kinkmeme, actually!
yoong chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
Scary, creepy, angsty and can I say that a bit fluffy? Oh, I'm such a sadist! *laugh* Good thing it didn't end as a tragedy. ]
JKDBHGFUSIK chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
I think my brain just fell out... of my mouth! I seriously thought England was dead and was staring at the screen with my mouth open! You are a way too amazing writer! I loved it! Thank you so much!