Reviews for Lelouch and the Chamber of Secrets
An chapter 11 . 8/18/2019
I really liked this taje on this crossover. I hope that you will upload again :)
Third year should be relatively relaxing for our four friends, if they stay away from Harry and the dementors that's it. Plus i suppose that Harry wouldn't take it well to know that they were able to stay at Hogwarts, while he couldn't ( even thought it was a lot more serious and obvious that they had nowhere else to go but it isn't like Harry has any idea). Also i wonder what they would plan for the future, they still don't have a home or a concrete future and the school can't be the place where they will stay always, too disconnected from society for them.
RandomUserGirl chapter 1 . 5/30/2017
C2... like errr,,, the drink?
CBFLoggingIn chapter 11 . 1/24/2016
Update please! I really love this story!
DemonKittyAngel chapter 11 . 2/3/2013
I'm really sorry that you don't have more reviews. A story with this much thought and effort put into it deserves a lot more credit. That said, it is an uncommon choice for a crossover and I can see why you don't have a ton.

I really like the way you've played it out but I find the fact that Harry doesn't have a lot more questions about what Lelouch did in the Chamber a vast over site, but maybe it'll come up later. *shrugs* While the writing is far form the best, the plot you've lined out is intriguing enough to overlook that. I can't wait to see what you have planned next for our protagonist but I know it'll be great.

Another thing: I can picture Harry being pretty pissed about them staying over the holidays when he asks every year and gets told 'no'. It would at least make him jealous.
Kitty chapter 7 . 11/10/2012
CC likes pizza :3
Kitty chapter 3 . 11/10/2012
Lulu pwns 'Mione! YEA! Wuv ur fanfic!
Lord22 chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
Hmmm, interesting idea. I'm not sure if I'll end up finishing the whole thing, but I'll keep reading. A word of advide, though, the whole thing is a touch rushed. There simply isn't enough description of the characters, and such. More importantly, with as cynical as Lelouch is by this point, I think he would be far slower to trust, especially since he'd just been attacked. You should have spent this chapter introducing the characters, and making us care, and giving Lelouch a logical reason to consider such a thing.

Then afterwards you could have the mysterious figures show up. As it is, the whole thing happens too fast to really care about. I accidently skipped a few lines, and was suddenly lost as to what was happening.

Still, it was an interesting concept. I would just recommend editing it a bit.
anywho chapter 11 . 10/26/2012
wheres chap. 12?
NobleSquince chapter 11 . 10/18/2012
killroy225 chapter 11 . 7/8/2012
nice story hope u will write again soon.
Zero Sparda chapter 11 . 9/11/2011
yay lelouch is being epic again
Harouki chapter 2 . 8/31/2011

which is why he is NOT in Slytherin. Why the hell would Lelouch be in Slytherin? That's like wearing a big green neon flashing shirt that says "I'm planning something! Keep an eye on me!"

Being in Gryffindor is the perfect cover. No one expects a Gryffindor to commit or at least plan to commit assassination and patricide after all.

Anyway, good story and ideas, keep it up!
hanna chapter 2 . 8/27/2011
Shouln't lelouch be a slytherin with all his scheming and ambition to kill his father.
Yuriski-1st chapter 2 . 7/23/2011
I understand Nunnally (even if she may be better suited for Hufflepuff), but Lelouch? Come on, there never existed a guy more Slytherin them him!

And, by the way...Nunnally can't walk. At all.
articwolfgirl347 chapter 11 . 7/12/2011
Yup, that's our prodigy! And wow, smart points for Suzaku. .
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