Reviews for Why Don't You and I?
VeeIsMe chapter 40 . 4/10/2016
Good lord this was incredible. I read the entire thing in the last two days and don't regret a single second of the lost sleep and/or homework time that it cost me.

My heart is broken because you killed Garrus. But the way that you treated his death makes it just a tiny bit okay. Maybe. This is right up there with A Star to Steer Her By as one of my favorite Shoker fics, and I'm definitely going to be reading the rest of your stuff too!
But not right away. I have homework to do! XD
jediserenity82 chapter 40 . 1/5/2016
So I just spent the last couple of days completely engrossed in this story, and it's so fantastic. You made me laugh, cry, and rage and it was all worth it. I'm so glad I found this, it was pretty amazing :)
Guest chapter 40 . 7/20/2015
Hi! When I began playing ME (Which was like a month ago) I just fell in love with the thought of MC and Joker. Alas, I did initial research and learned that Joker bb cannot me romanced. I was dead inside and sad. Then I saw the fic where 15 years have passed. Ah it's a sequel. I said back then. A sequel to this amazing adventure that youput me through. I am so glad and happy that I was able to come across this fic, because damn. Hit them shoker feels right at the kokoro (excuse the weab language, I felt like it would explain my feelings better). Anyway, I am off to reading the second part of this story so, I, once again, thank you for giving me this story.

It is true that I feel like Shoker is under appreciated, I think that it's a thing fans do. When something is "non-canon" they seem to overlook it immediately. I would know. I actively use tumblr and I ship a certain pair who has never ever interacted in the series ever. We get tons of haters and it's really sad for me. Shoker, however, has amazing people within their ranks (lol). I hope to one day be like you guys, artists; writers; editers, you guys are what gives me life.

Shoker forever :) stay amazing!
Neil chapter 20 . 7/7/2015
I have to admit that I find it incredibly unlikely that Shephard would have lost a hand to hand fight with some douche, she is a trained special forces operative as well as 1/3 cyborg for gods sake.
Barleyguy chapter 22 . 10/28/2014
Haha powwow awesome, as a Native American I enjoy references to my culture, also I realized I haven't reviewed yet so here I go, enjoying this bigtimes, this has been in my favorites for a god awful amount of time and last week I decided to start reading this and I have to say I am friggen enjoying it. I'm impressed with the way your write it, going over large portions of the games, and writing about mostly in jokers point of view. Can't say I have any complaints to be honest, no spelling mistakes that I've noticed, and I don't know enough about grammar to freak out about it haha. Enjoying this and as I always say at the end of every review. Keep updating eh.
Sidnika chapter 19 . 4/23/2014
Okay, so I know I said that I loved the smut in chapter 9, but damn! This was even better :D Hot hot hot!
chainline chapter 40 . 3/24/2014
That was... AWESOME!
Oratorio chapter 40 . 10/27/2013
I mostly read short stories and one shots over lunch breaks etc, but this story totally suckered me in and I just loved it. I loved the way you portrayed their relationship, difficult but deep. So glad of the happy(ish) ending. Thank you. It has helped me stop whining about not being bake to romance Joker in-game :))
black dragon chapter 40 . 6/29/2013
I noticed that you asked if anyone wanted to draw your shepard with joker well I might be interested. Just drop me a note on her discription and I can see what I can come up with. Oh and if you want to look at my deviant profile i go by blackdragon21.
LydiaTheOriginalHellion chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
This review is for the entire story... I...LOVE...this sooooo hard... I can't even put into words how awesome this entire story is... you, my friend, kick ass!
Haraku chapter 30 . 4/20/2013
Woot Woot! Go shepard go! Go shepard go!

Hanna Hanna Haraku
Haraku chapter 29 . 4/20/2013
Epicness. She's preggers

Hanna Hanna Haraku
Haraku chapter 28 . 4/19/2013
So romantic you smothe talker you!

Hannna Hanna Haraku
Haraku chapter 27 . 4/19/2013
Cardenshi? Nah.

With the love they share and all they have, it never seems to end , but bad times come and shepards done, what's to happen to him? Hanna Hanna Haraku.
Haraku chapter 26 . 4/19/2013
Beautiful joker. Beautiful Shepard.

Just plain beauty Hanna Hanna haraku
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