Reviews for The Creeping Messiah Complex
awesomeadt chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
Ive read this series multiple times over the years, but i havent left any indepth reviews, and Summers hit hard enough for me to do a reread, so better late than never! This series as a whole is one of my faves for a lot of reasons, so its time to toss on some praise! This is mainly for Ch 1, hopefully ill get around to the rest later.

I really love the in media rez esque intro, with the tense situation but second nature banter to endear us to these two. Serting it up so that we know this is commonplace without literally spelling it out. Ill admit to starting this while being unaware of the pairing, and reading this before any other work in this ‘verse (I was just as blown away as John when the whole “a spook, but not a spook woman” thing happened lol), and watching the characterization if this setting unfold is a joy. I love the zombie and Worths relationship and parallels with their priorities of Hanna and Conrad respectively, and the whole early messiah discussion here (title drop! Theme introductions! Haunting imagery and thoughts re: hanans main character syndrome).

Worth is also such a fascinating POV characters. He edges the line of likable asshole and unlikable asshole, and he leaves so much unsaid in his narration that theres always plenty to unpack (my favorite game is taking any worth annoys conrad scene and trying to decide if worth had ulterior motives or if he was just bored and Feeling dickish.) i also like how in this intro chapter we see the different ways he converses with people, and I appreciate his interactions with john a lot more this go round. Hes sarcastic and spouts some bs as usual, but John both takes him too literally like no one ever does and sees beneath his words. A lot of the main 4 group here dont usually go that deep, leaving a lot unsaid and just accepting worth's bs as his usual dickhead banter, but the John actually /does/ listen to him, even if hes doing so so he can try to convert worth.

And last general note, im endeared with the writing style. Both simple and not, and utilizing unexpected metaphors to add to imagery when you dont expect it. Anyways thats my rambling for tonight, hopefully ill get back to this reread soon. Thanks for such a highquality work!
Mirka chapter 5 . 5/16/2013
First off, absolutely brilliant story! Intriguing from the get go and keeps you riveted the whole way through.
Secondly, is Bondye a reference to the one Great God of the Voodoo religion? Because if it is that is a GREAT reference!
anon chapter 11 . 7/22/2012
i thought Fell seemed familiar since you introduced him, and i think that last line by him just confirmed it!
this story was amazing, and very high up there on my personal list of 'best fanfiction that i've read'! now i nedd to go see if you have written anything else in other fandoms of mine
Athena Keating-Thomas chapter 11 . 6/23/2012
I've returned to the fandom, and ye heavens but you've written a lot since then. I'm so pleased; I've enjoyed all of it as is the case with all of your writing. I expect you'll hear a bit of repetition along those lines whenever I stick my head in to jabber at you in future...

So much love.
yaoi-lover13 chapter 11 . 5/6/2012
Phew. I feel like I can breathe now. Goddamn Worth, why don't you seeeeeeee?

Oh well, it really helped the plot that only the people that Worth hates pointed it out. You wrote another masterpiece here, amazing job. I was so happy that this one is longer than the first.

But it's the same feeling sitting back after I finish the last line. The feeling of happiness they made it through, relief that nobody important died, and frustration at how stubborn Conrad and Worth are.

I totally guessed that the messiah was Worth. For a second I thought Hanna, but then I realized it wouldn't fit the plot as well. Still, I was excited to find that I was right.

Anyway, now I'm rambling. So I'll keep reading. Keep working your magic!
Well chapter 11 . 3/13/2012
Okay, so I read this way back when you were still in the middle of writing it, but never review (because I'm a horrible person). I was reading it again and couldn't help but notice...

You see, since then, I've read a Certain Book, and I have to tell you...


Thank you so much.

You're beautiful.

(Also, the rest of the story is pretty damn awesome too. And the whole universe. You're amazing.)
LetMeTellYouAboutHOMESTUCK chapter 11 . 2/1/2012

Oh, oh, oh, oh, HELL YES./

I am this close to just flippping out and screaming in joy.

May your updates be fast, your chapters long, and your reviews bountiful. Ahmen. ;;;;)
beaniejeanie chapter 11 . 12/15/2011
YES! I freaking love the ending! Oh my god, I can't believe Fell and Bondye bet on when Worth and Conrad would finally admit their girly feelings to each other! If Lamont were alive he'd probably totally win that bet! HELLS YEAH YOU KNOW HE WOULD! *melts* I just love your writing style! If it was a plushie I would do. things. to. it.

EmperorSpark chapter 11 . 12/12/2011
This is, honestly, hands down, one of the best stories I have ever read! I love the amount of detail you put in it, and the characterizations and the interactions and just gnee 3 Keep writing cause you're awesome!
Karma Kat 281 chapter 11 . 11/18/2011
Amazing! Fell is a fallen angel, right? And Bondye is an angel? I like the "Go-sat-someone" part. it was a nice touch. From Good Omens, right? :D Write more soon please!
Lincoln Loggs chapter 11 . 10/28/2011
Oh man YES. The way this ended... is perfect. Nothing too heroic or in-your-face or even romantic or other somesuch over-done bullshit. With that said, PLEASE ADD TO THIS.

I love you.
MaySparrow chapter 11 . 10/28/2011



[/deep breaths]

I love this one-I love all of the chapters, but this one is setting evrything up for finish and I like it.

And Conrad, pay attention to your surroundings. You're not the only one being abused. Now, where did you get those undies. I want a pair.

And no that wasn't a joke about wanting to get in his pants dammit. I'm not Worth.


I have nothing more to say other than I love you a lot.

Knocks chapter 11 . 10/28/2011
Is that...Is that a Good Omens reference somewhere at the end of the story?

And color me happy with the ending! :-)
Kittengrl39 chapter 11 . 10/27/2011
Aaaand the next thing you're going to announce is the sequel to Messiah Complex, right?


*slightly manic grin* RIGHT?
KnittWitt chapter 11 . 10/27/2011

Just. I.


I. I can't even. The dream and Lamont and arguing with Conrad and Fell being a cryptic fuck and the visuals I get from your writing and aaaaaa. When I have the time I'm re-reading this and it's gonna be awesome. I can't wait for an epilogue.
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