Reviews for Something Worth Living For
The Jingo chapter 4 . 1/13/2019
Fluffy and cute
NatsuDragneel56 chapter 4 . 7/5/2015
I like it _. There are a few mistakes but meh, it's still good. When are you gonna update it lazy bones?
eclair.reed chapter 4 . 12/19/2014
Will there be more updates? :D .. I'm looking forward to it. :)
KingZDj chapter 4 . 12/4/2014
I was promised lemon but there is nay, noooooo D:
enevi de celeste chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
por favor assasinzassasin termina este fanfic yo e leido todos tus lecturas y me gustaria saber el final de los in completos el de que vale pana vivir me en canto tambien el de los limos me gustaron y realmente creo que no eres cursi asi que quiero darte algunas ideas por si las quieres ver 1: el fanfic lo que vale la pena vivr porque no pones a cloud strife y ases que hope se ponga celoso de el o que hope le regale un gato a lightning que se llame red o diego nose pero asi que se pueda llegar a limon porque dicen que con hombre celoso hombre que expresa sus sentimientos mas rapido.
bueno ese estodo son tu fan tu fueste el que me hiso querere leer fanatic.
Chocobocolina chapter 4 . 9/29/2014
Nawwww so cute! Kweh!
ChainzOfThePast chapter 4 . 8/5/2014
Ahhhh... Another excellent chapter. Its been a while since you have updated anything so i was shocked to see an update for one of your stories. Well i hope you keep up the great work and update some of your other works. Yours truly, ChainzOfThePast.
Toaneo07 Ver2.0 chapter 4 . 6/2/2014
oh sooo cute
Toaneo07 Ver2.0 chapter 3 . 6/2/2014
mmm nice
paradoxsteel chapter 4 . 4/27/2014
This is a really good story hope you updated soon.
ultimate450 chapter 4 . 4/17/2014
I gotta say, I'm rather surprised at this story! I passed it up for the last couple of days because the description didn't make it sound so interesting (suicide/depression is a touchy subject for me, because my uncle and one of my old friends who I hadn't seen for a while committed suicide ;( ) but while reading it I actually really enjoyed it quite a bit. I think it was the chemistry happening between Hope and Light. It was done pretty much perfectly! This really gets me excited for the next chapter! Very good job on this one, keep up the good work!
Calm Chen chapter 4 . 3/30/2014
Hmm, both of them seem to be a bit OOC.

I believe Hope can be quite the flirty, but not when he barely know Lightning.
As for Lightning, it's hard to imagine her hate her job so much.

But, home cook meal... so warming *Squek* .

Glad that you're back for more! D
ssume chapter 4 . 3/29/2014
I guess this might just be me; But I see this going very well with a small prologue and maybe a little more reason to Lightning's breakdown. Maybe like...a first serious boyfriend who turns out to be a jerk, her boss or something to a deeper personal emotional issue, that way they can play a recurring character and a hurdle in character development later on. I guess I think she wouldn't feel so hollow over just a singular personal issue (perceiving Serah and Snow excluding her from their lives).

I like the deal, but I feel it would have taken a little more convincing. Through the story she adjust to quickly to a subservient style of housewife, without too much driving reason. I'd buy it if there was stipulations to the deal she was trying to achieve like.. Betting her she couldn't cook thus driving her to do well to prove him wrong. I doubt she'd care, but she still has her pride.

One part that really dropped the ball for me was in the 4th chapter where hope says "Feel free to rely on me anytime-" It's a good section, but I was so waiting to see a reference to their "You watch the front-" quote from the games. Insert fan-girl squeal much?

Great story, great plot just too much missing info. It's like...a Really good dish you see on a menu, sounds great, looks great but when you bite down into it, there's just little things missing here and there. I think for this story it's fillers. Like having a chapter devoted to hope taking care of her debts. Or a few paragraphs played as a memory of hope introducing Lightning to the cooking instructor. Little things that string along there time together, and explains why the woman knew Hope. Five years is a long time, but gives an author infinite time to add or remember things. Don't feel the need to rush through their lives just to get to a good part, doing this will make every part a good part!...but that might just be me.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/29/2014
Lemon Scenes
Guest chapter 3 . 3/29/2014
Sex scene
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