Reviews for Shadows and Bones
Artemis chapter 33 . 5/30/2014
Good story but the pagers are kinda short
Vile'sAccomplice chapter 16 . 4/18/2014
you shold write a story where ghastly finds out that skulduggery is lord vile
Aragorn-Lord chapter 19 . 10/1/2013
Good chapter :)
Can you please do more Valcholia? I don't mind the pairing :)
Doctor Nemo chapter 47 . 9/10/2013
"We kill them. We kill them all." Dang.

Nice focus on Skull-man's mental state.
poisonesse chapter 46 . 8/12/2013
I REALLY REALLY love the Daemon!AU idea! It's just fantastic, and I'd actually really like to see you visit that idea a little more in the future. I hope you'll update soon!
Doctor Nemo chapter 46 . 5/14/2013
I haven't read that part of the source book yet, so I can't comment on that aspect.

The daemon mix is excellent. I like the animals, the way they speak, and how you integrate their actions into their humans' behavior.

You did some fine dialogue again, like
"We were thinking you could divert his attention," said Kitana, grinning... "Then, when he's busy laughing at you, we come in, shoot him in the back."


"Try not to kill anyone in the meantime," Aimiliona snarled.
Kitana winked at the coyote. "No promises."
"No promises I won't tear your pretty face off, then."

Some things weren't clear, though, and that might be because I haven't gotten that far in the book.
"You know it can't hurt us but the bang it makes is so scary." - is this sarcasm? Doesn't sound like Kitana.

"You want to stop Argeddion? While, so do we." Not sure about the last bit. Was that going to be "Why, so do we"?

Overall: more, please!
GRLG chapter 24 . 3/14/2013
Hilarious! '
GRLG chapter 23 . 3/14/2013
So freakin' funny ! xD
Harry Whitehead chapter 27 . 3/1/2013
wow first time Darquesse hasn't come out when Valkyrie is seriously injured. (even if it is fanfic)
Doctor Nemo chapter 45 . 2/27/2013
This made me tear up. Oh man.
non0user chapter 45 . 2/21/2013
Loved the concept in this chapter and I've never read a fanfic with Valkyrie and Skulduggery as an old married couple, it's a totally awesome and unique idea
kirkr0se chapter 42 . 2/20/2013
I like the concept a lot. In execution, it seemed a little laborious, but still, I like what you've done with it.
kirkr0se chapter 43 . 2/20/2013
Larrikin went missing?

I quite liked this one. The emotional atmosphere and the universe meshed well.
kirkr0se chapter 44 . 2/20/2013
Ooh, I like this idea very much.

In terms of execution, though, the pacing and balance seem somewhat off, with the tone in some places being extravagant and in others understated with no clear reason for the shift. I like the dynamic, but I never even considered that the universe was as far placed from canon as was revealed by the author's note.

I did enjoy some of the snark, though.
kirkr0se chapter 45 . 2/20/2013
There seem to be a fair few typos with regards to your punctuation in relation to dialogue, and there are a few places where I am in slight disagreement with your word choices, but I quite enjoyed this. Your pacing was well suited to it, as was the atmosphere, and your worldbuilding and detailwork were fantastic. :)
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