Reviews for Love at first sight
TrillionSchiffer chapter 1 . 1/15
I loooovvvveeee JK: reviews. He/she saves me sooo much time. They are a gr8 filter. They dont like nonsensical writing anymore than I do. So I usually skip what they are really critical about.

Thanks JK: !
catspats31 chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
While the writing quality of your story is good in terms of spelling only, please note this part of the Content Guidelines:

"Please note FanFiction does not accept explicit content, Fiction Rating: MA, and the rating is only presented for reference."

Remove all of the detailed descriptions of physical interaction of sexual or violent nature in this story if you want it to remain at this site, or upload it to a site where "Fiction MA" content is allowed such as Archive Of Our Own or WattPad.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/27/2018
I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! I fell like Alice Cullen jumping up and down at the edge of my seat you rock I love your story and can't evan keep it to gather waiting till Edward and Bella finally fuck!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
love it so so much you are the best writer EVER!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
coming at you from 2018 (almost 2019 less than a week yay!). THIS IS YOUR FIRST FANFIC EVER WOW YOU ARE AMAZING! I LOVE your story so fucking much wow your amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
Another story were Bella moves to Forks for her mother and not to get closer to her father. What a crappy daughter. She does not deserve Charlie. She should stay with her horrible mother and leave Charlie alone. What selfish little brat.
lady Dee chapter 40 . 6/1/2018
Type your review here.
which chapter does Bella get changed ?
great story so far
lonely2011 chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
I have been looking for this story for quite a while. I read it a while ago and loved it. I’m sure glad I found it again because, once again, you didn’t disappoint. This is such an awesome story and so well written. Thank you for making it.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/31/2017
Guest chapter 3 . 11/5/2017
This is great!
sweetsouthernsongbird chapter 68 . 9/17/2016
I gotta say I was unsure about this story for the first 10 chapters or so. I could see what you were doing, but it just didn't seem to flow that well to me. However, I'm glad I stuck it out bc I really enjoyed it! I loved how you made it your own even while integrating some of the original. I really liked how they all discovered there was more than the limited works they were living in. I can't imagine living forever without trying any and everything at least once or trying to help others with essentials that I didn't need any longer. So well done! I'm looking forward to the sequel.
jk chapter 19 . 2/9/2016
"i hope you has you fun?"
Edward sounds like a fucktard! did you not proof read AT ALL?
jk chapter 15 . 2/9/2016
that part of the books and movie never made sense to me...why leave at all...seems like the cullens should have just protected Charlie and bella there...makes sense to me..
jk chapter 13 . 2/8/2016
he bit her twice...but there was no mention of blood? weird right...nothing about blood or venom...or him drinking any blood...or her bleeding at all...was it not a real bite? I'm confused!
jk chapter 12 . 2/8/2016
we all just love reading edwad being a pompous ass and bella getting rejected like the loser that she is
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