Reviews for Bullying
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
This is really good, you should really write a sequel. I'd love to read more about later on in their relationship, assuming they've actually started one. I especially liked how you painted being hit, I can tell you've actually been punched before.

And I'm saying that like it's a good thing. Whatever, the point is that I'd like to read more. Good job :D
stage crew chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
This is amazing! I loved how the fight felt gritty and real, and the description of the kiss was perfect. Very good descriptions, and they both felt like teenage versions of themselves. A little wilder, and I always thought that Elliot was probably sort of almost a dick when he was younger. And George! MY HEART. 3_3

I love yur teenage George so much. You should definitely write some sort of sequel!
XZeroQueen chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
Love it! :)