Reviews for Livin' On A High Wire
icecold5 chapter 3 . 9/3/2015
screw them
Shangratiger101 chapter 3 . 8/25/2014
To your author's note: I totally agree that these reviews are flames, and I also think that not anyone would call Claire 'Kuh-laire' therefore it is a nickname for certain people to use. As in a normal person would call her Claire, but a person she knows on a different level would call her Kuh-laire. PM me if you don't get what I'm saying.
revolutionaryman chapter 12 . 5/21/2014
I've been looking for a story like this for a long time , i like it! I love the different perspective that you put to the different characters

Psdt: is it to late to ask if you cn write a sequel? I have plenty of ideas you can use
jessica M chapter 6 . 7/3/2013
i really love Lemonade Mouth. Me and my friend Haley Bullard have a song book with your songs in it. That is how much we love your show. I really exspire Oliva the most. please write back Oliva,Wen,Stella,Charle,and Moe. I really love your show.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/13/2013
Um no offense or anything but the story is a bit boring... :( sorry
LivyXWen4eva chapter 12 . 9/30/2012
Mark Peter Hughes chapter 6 . 2/2/2012
I love to see where different writers go with each of my characters. I enjoyed the shifting points of view and how each letter is addressed to different people. Nice. The briefness of Charlie and Wen's letters feel right for their characters, too. Keep writing! :-)

-Mark Peter Hughes

author of Lemonade Mouth
MyLittleAngelxxx chapter 12 . 1/3/2012
I loved this story. I thought I'd read the whole thing through before I reviewed. Please make a sequel.
DramaQueen127 chapter 11 . 11/20/2011
BTW i think charly and stella should be together not mo and charly but eather way LOVE IT
DramaQueen127 chapter 12 . 11/20/2011
DreamerGirl2245 chapter 12 . 7/22/2011
I liked this story although I'm more a Stella/Charlie person myself. Did you write a sequel?
Kyles chapter 12 . 7/4/2011
I loved it i loved how u made it good job
FlowerProngs chapter 12 . 6/5/2011
GREAT story! Love it!
Into-Your-Gravity chapter 12 . 6/2/2011
SplendiferousBowties chapter 12 . 6/1/2011
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