Reviews for iDon't Know Why I Say Goodbye
bmcgeeparker chapter 1 . 4/15
Oh my gosh! The feels! I can’t even begin to appropriately explain how this story made me feel, but I do know that I loved it! FANTASTIC job! chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
This may be the best fan fic I have ever read, and I have read A TON! You should be very proud to be the author of this story, because I feel like high school just ended for me... and I tell you it was a sad experience! Never stop writing, because you have a gift, and it would be cruel to keep it from the world!


newbie611 chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
I've gotta tell some friends about your fics.

This is awesome stuff.

ClashingColoursChasingRainbows chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
Well this was awesome. I'll admit, when Freddie kissed Carly I thing my heart dropped - I thought this was a Seddie story? But it made sense, Freddie was confused and Carly was comforting him, plus it lead to him telling Sam how he felt! I actually loved the way you switched between view points, it was an interesting way to write a fic that I haven't really seen before. all the Gibby bits were awesome, as was the very last line... I also loved how comfortable Sam and Freddie were with each other on the fire escape, even though they weren't dating it showed how close they were. OK, insanely long review over - another great story!
Kamen Disguise chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
LOOOVVEEE. brad/carly hint? very cute. :) honestly though, recently because of gibby's weight loss added to his enormous growth spurt, i'm starting to ship a little cibby myself. ;)
InYourLovingMemory chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
Beautiful. Just, beautiful. chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
In Love with this story.

Made me cry.

Right before my eye exam to be dorkified.

VERY well written 3

I can't even think of words to describe it.
SorrisoD'amore chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Really liked it, very raw and I couldn't stop reading it. Love they way you portray the characters and the relationships in the story especially Freddie and Sam. Please continue to write in the future:)
Bacon chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Really, really nice job. It was a very enjoyable, relatable and in character story. Freddie's fear of change and not being there with Carly and especially Sam was very believable. And the Seddie was awesome. I love how much Sam loves him and how she's planning on getting a job just so that she can visit him. It's a nice touch. And the Gibby antics were quite humorous.

Overall, awesome story. I really, really liked it.
ober22 chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
This was excellent! I've already read it a few times. I really love that they end up together, and the numbering of it. I'll admit I was a little shocked when Freddie kissed Carly, but after all that wonderful Seddie happened, I forgot all about it. I loved the drunk Gibby parts as well. I'd love to know what happens after the the summer, when they all go to school, and if anything will happen with Brad and Carly. Great story :)
ColorsOfTheSky101 chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
This story really pulled at my heartstrings, because I'm graduating from high school come June. So not only did you portray these character that I love beautifully, but you also had exceptional timing. :)

I really enjoy your style of writing. For instance, the way you put certain phrases into parenthesis'. Like secrets, or afterthoughts. It added so much more significance and emotion. I especially liked "There's something infinitely frightening about having a dream come true. (What if you only get to have one dream come true? What if he royally fucks this one up?)"

It rings true to the trio for Freddie and Sam to be scared and for Carly not to be. It just makes sense. Gosh I love your Sam and Freddie. They are very grown up yet very much the same silly, fighting pair.

Anyway, thank you for writing this in the way you did. Bra to the freaking Vo. :D

-Colors chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
This story is just so gorgeous. You're lucky I didn't actually cry but only teared up. Otherwise, I would have had to get a flight from here in London to go find you and beat you with my Pointe shoes :)

xo, Chantal