Reviews for Antiphony
Esher chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Good story. Both this one and Whiteout are very well done. I enjoy how similar you write Lyra to Red while making them clearly distinct.
I-Love-Ships chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Oh god! I'm crying!

I LOVE LYRA/Kotone! AND BLUE/Gary! Blue is gary!
Darkrai chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
LOVED it :)
bureas chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
I considered that happening too if the main character ever beat Red, and that forced him to come down. They'd start to think they should have to replace them since they're the one that made them come down. *cough* Anyway, yay for Tokiwashipping once again! I like it. Alot~. But I have to ask...Why ninja!Red? XD Where did that come from? lol
mangaluva chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
First off- EEEEEEEEEEEE! YESSSSSSSSSS! I feel like the only person in the UNIVERSE to ship these two, so it is unbelievably awesome to find fic for them written by someone else, and such a wonderful character piece too. Green/Blue/Gary/Douche gets so little regard as a bit player in the games, but he's such a fascinating character it's great to get a little insight into him. I was so happy when Lyra came down from the mountain, to see that he really got through to her.

Gonna go back to squealing about more LyraxGreen fic now :D Wonderful piece!
Cuna999 chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
Another really lovely piece~

Poor Green, always chasing after people. But in the end, she does come down for him. :3 I lol'd at "ninja!Red/Leaf" xD and "He still doesn't call his mom, that asshole"

(LOL I love that xD)

I adore this fic~
aksdlhfklsd chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
Great plot. It was very believable and you kept them in-character. I didn't think I would like those two as a couple, but you wrote them well together. (:
xxkoffeexx chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
Ohhhh! Why do these two match so well when you write them? I am in awe of your sheer genius at this pair. :] And I just have such a huge crush on Green that I wish I were Lyra and on his couch and gah!
loveliecoraima chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
i love it but the ending...what does she know?
Windflicker chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
beautiful! :) adding on to the's very well written and lovely and has great characterization. a great read.
Young Wizard Link chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
This is such a lovely piece! I'm very surprised that it has so little reviews.
Kuruk chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
I'm surprised that this only has one review, because it really is a lovely piece.

While Red's story is given some closure at the end of G/S/C and HG/SS, Ethan's/Lyra's is left open to interpretation, and I love how you interpreted it. The thought of Green having to climb Mt. Silver for Lyra too was a bit sad after he had done that all for Red (who was quite the apathetic jerk in this piece) only to be left behind. Still, I'm glad that be got someone to stay this time.

The way you distinguished between Lyra and Red as Champion was phenomenal, especially when you made Green less patient wither her despite the fact that she was a better recluse than Red.

Really... ah. This was just great. Thanks for writing it.

ThePaperKnot chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
Whoa I love this story! Its very nicely written too, keep up the good work!