Reviews for Call of the Sea
Runewulf chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
That was good - so seasick Tim is a selkie out of his skin.
Child of Jon Snow chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
love the one shot have fou d the squeals i am reading them.
You would have to kill me to stop me!
Cheile chapter 1 . 7/24/2015
Hiya! I'm here to review you for the Hostile Takeover forum's Level Up! competition. Stop by sometime, all fandoms welcome!

I'm Irish and I love Celtic legends so I really enjoyed your unique twist on just why McGee gets seasick. It is really neat how he can't wait to get off the ship but as soon as he's on dry land, his attention is drawn back out to sea and he unconsciously sways with the audible rhythm he can feel deep within. I liked his snarky comeback to Tony about how it's a song he wouldn't know :P You have the great visual of Tim's gaze tracing a path from the Anacostia to the Potomac to the bay and then to the distant sea. I can almost feel that pull he must be feeling and the turmoil it's causing

Of course later that night, he cannot resist the siren call spawned by his troubled dreams and drives to the shore only to swim – you have some great visuals and sensations with him thinking that the way to travel the water is to be IN it not on top of it. And his despair after getting to swim with his true kin really hits the feels in a good way. It's easy to mentally hear him screaming at the sky and raging at the thief who stole his skin from him and trapped him to a human existence.

The end scene was amusing with Tony bringing up the news report and Tim downplaying it to throw him off, though Tony being Tony, he'd never entertain the idea of his geeky coworker actually possessing non-human capabilities. I loved the ending lines where, once again, Tim's subconscious is drawn to the distant sea, giving the sense of how it will always whisper to his soul.

In general, I must say that everyone voices and attitudes are perfectly in character for their brief appearances, which is great—it helps me stay within the story. Nice work.
Toni M H chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
Aw give him back his SKIN!

Great start to the series. I had to come and read the first two entires into the series before I start on your newest installment. Excited to see where this story is going.
Kyrianae Narii chapter 1 . 4/20/2014
I believe this is that story you mentioned in that review reply not so long ago... This is more heart breaking than the traditional tales in which the female selkie's skin is taken by the man in order to force her to be his wife. Mianly because the unamed woman in this seemed to just take Tim's skin out of spite or some such reason... The tales of the selkie are really sad.

As well written as ever. Though I am curious about one thing you mentioned a while back; you said that you were editing your story 'Underground' so as to change the NCIS elements for possible publishing. What I'm trying to ask is have you actually already gotten published? Not neccesarily with 'Underground' but with some other book/story because your fanfiction writing has honestly gotten me interested in what other works you may have written.
Kay Hau chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
Interesting, and well written - good job! Will be taking a look at the story based off this, certainly!
Infinitechange chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
Interesting and sad...
lightinshadow chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
ooww that was lovely and sad :(

but i love the idea of a seal stuck as human :p oh poor tim

*can u do a sequel ? Just a short tiny small one ? Puppy eyes? Pretty please? *
Gottahavemyncis chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
Hey, I read this way before you posted your Far Frae Ev'ry Strand story. I'm supposing writing the oneshot inspired you to look further and expand it. It's not quite a prequel, only in concept, but a great story too! Love your writing, I've read all of them on now.
Erikstrulove chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Aw that's so sad! You should write more to it, it'd be awesome!
Dreamer22 chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
very interesting
Veryfairygirl14 chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
Fabulous as always.
Lidil chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
Really enjoyed this story.

Would like to see more.
Arsha Clarek chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
THis story combines two of my favorite things: NCIS and the ocean! You have made me want to go to the beach with your story (too bad it's the middle of april and the beach is two hours away)

very well done!
Silverthreads chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Very well done!
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