Reviews for Revenge is a Dish best served as humble pie
Empreintes Fauves chapter 10 . 9/18
Aaaand onother cliché in the ff world... The Finn bashing. Like why ? You can not like him and still be respectful. Besides its highly hypocritical to insult his intelligence all the time (again sorry you take for others but that came so freaking often) and still defend Brittany's intelligence. Like why this difference in the treatement of two kind character ? Because he is a boy and its a lesbian ff ? You can be lesbian and still think boys are our equal you know. Besides i notice another cliché with this fandom... The perseptive Brittany. Can't she be loved if she is not smart in some way ? It would appeared thats the truth since Finn is often mistreated and he is not smart in any kind of way. Like not smart people don't deserve respect either ?

I would looooove to read a fiction one day that outsmart this cliché. And if they can also forget the "bad character in the show are good in fiction and villaining the nice one", that would be good too. I speak here about Santana, Quinn and Puck. A lot of excuses are made for their bad behavior and none for the really good one, like Kurt, Mercedes or Finn. But thats not your problem, you didn't do that here.

I love the fact that you developp other relationship for Rachel with charcater that are usually forget in Faberry and Pezberry fic, like Artie, Tina, Mercedes, Mike, etc. So thank for the developpement of those ! I particularely love the Tina/Rachel.
Empreintes Fauves chapter 9 . 9/18
I still don't understand how she could trust her that quick... Q said i love you and Rachel without proove that Q actually change, trust her ? I know she is a forgiving personne but the whole point of this revenge is that she is very mad this time and being forgiving doesn't mean being stupid. What did Q do to actually gain her trust ? What was the point of Santana's plan if she didn't even need it ? Its like we go back where Rachel had no self esteem. That made no sense since she plan all of this... I call it a plot hole and that tarnish the goodness of your lovely story for me :/

I really hate it when Q or Santana (i am also a bif fan of Pezberry) are forgiven like bullying someone is not really bad from the moment when they show interest and therefore regret for Rachel. I am sorry but changing because of your interest in someone is first, not really changing, and second doesn't absolve your past action. That must be earn. That kind of thing put the wrong message here. Second chances ok, but not so easily that your can basically do anything you want until you realised your wrong. Redemption must be earned not given.

Beside for she knows, quinn hated her few days ago. And her change only came when Rachel says she recorded her. How can't she not thought that it a plot to put her hand and these ?

Sorry you took for all the others story i read with the same flaw i guess. Your story is still very original (thats probably why i am disappointed that you embrass this cliché) and very well written. I will continue to read it nonetheless, but yeah a little disappointed here.

On another note, why continue the pretense between Rachel, Santana and Quinn ? I seriously don't see the point since the point of Rachel's play is to made them change. Besides just few lines above you said Quinn as dramaticaly change this year and had that they didn't change their bully dynamic after... i don't understand. Did she change or not ?
Empreintes Fauves chapter 5 . 9/17
Why did she trust her apologies ? I mean the timing is awful, she apologizes after that Rachel treaten her and Quinn just treaten her 5 minutes earlier too. I mean, why on eath would she didn't even think thats a new manipulation of Quinn ? And why would she so nice with her so quickly ? I mean she is sooo mad that she plan all this play during the entirety of the summer, how could she show such kindness toward her main tormentor so quickly ? For there is like 0 sense...
desperataeny chapter 45 . 8/13
BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL ENDING! Faberry got their happily ever after and Rachel finished her missions for now haha. So happy my babies Faberry and Brittana deserve all the happiness and the best things especially Rachel! The solidarity at the ending is fantastic! I LOVE THIS FABERRY FRESH AND ENJOYABLE AWESOME MASTERPIECE! I will be not forgetting this awesome story~ after all the ride it’s so great and grateful for Faberry 3 i can’t stop smiling so happy and feel the joy when read this precious chapter! I will be missed Genius PrabkMaster Rachel tho 3 FABERRY MADE MY DAY! 333

Thank you for writing this mind blowing spectacular, genius fantastic, awesome, badass, cool, romantic, adorable, sweet, cute, lovely, beautiful, magnificent, wonderful, brilliant and amazing Faberry masterpiece! So so good \o/
desperataeny chapter 44 . 8/13
desperataeny chapter 43 . 8/13
Goddess Rachel, her girl, besties and her play mates :D
desperataeny chapter 43 . 8/13
Sweet sweet romantic lovely adorable cute sexy hot sweetest love my babies Faberry
desperataeny chapter 42 . 8/13
So happy and full of gratitude and grateful for them
desperataeny chapter 41 . 8/13
That dude really fucked up. Hope she’s okay omg please be strong
desperataeny chapter 39 . 8/13
Hot precious sweet lovely babies make love
desperataeny chapter 38 . 8/13
I love Faberrittana strong lovely sweet friendship here
desperataeny chapter 37 . 8/13
desperataeny chapter 36 . 8/13
Woahhhhh I love it when they go possessive and being dominant for each other’s haha. Faberry meant to be together indeed 3
desperataeny chapter 35 . 8/13
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA serve them right! Those creepers yikes
desperataeny chapter 34 . 8/13
Loving my lovely sweet romantic adorable bunnies Faberry 333
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