Reviews for The Fire
Jennifer chapter 33 . 6/15/2017
I have absolutely loved reading your story when will you update again i so wanna find out the conclusion. Please update soon really great story
Soluzek chapter 9 . 7/24/2016
Really, REALLY loved the Vincent/Cloud conversation.
Soluzek chapter 8 . 7/24/2016
Good story, been reading for an hour or so and I'm hooked. And I really love your Cid!
Guest chapter 34 . 2/22/2016
I eye guzzled this little gem down but was so disappointed when I reached the last chapter... Because it was the last chapter! I look forward to your next updates and the eventual conclusion. This was well written, the characters seemed true to their video game personas and the story was unique, funny, romantic, and exciting without seeming rushed. Great work!
Bmonti chapter 34 . 11/12/2015
ahhh this was awsum i reallly enjoyed reading a fic where the character played out so well, there interactions felt so natural i loved every min of it, just wish there was more, i do hope this isnt a story that has been left but if it is than i understand how life can happen, however i do hope to see another chapter. thank you for a wonderful story so far, i love the yuffie and vincent moments, and i want more tifa and cloud moments hehe and i want more hot sexy funny reno momenta(is he dead?) anyway thanks again
Bmonti chapter 17 . 11/9/2015
hehehe whoop some kissy action happening, is it just me or is it getting hot in here, hehe i'm giggleling like a mad women from happyness, also awww for cloud and tifa
Bmonti chapter 13 . 11/9/2015
i just want yuffie to be the badass ninja we all know thaf she can be
Bmonti chapter 11 . 11/9/2015
noooo poor Tifa i'm crying with her, and aeris what u doing? when u have a hot ass guy in the lifestream like ZACK who wouldnt love that adorable puppy, wait maybe i should just pair up zack with teef... noo i cant to that to them they love who they love T_T . on a side note i really like how well written yuffie and vincent is
Bmonti chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
someone on a final fantasy fanfic facebook group told me to read this. first chap in and i already like it
Amarcrinum chapter 34 . 8/23/2015
I absolutely loved every moment of this story. The way you write the characters is so spot on that I almost felt like it was canon. It was so perfect. You describe moments with ease and I can truly feel how upset and distraught this entire experience is for AVALANCHE.

Congrats on the new baby; I imagine that your life outside of the internet deserves more attention than this. Someday, though, I would love to see an end to this tale.

Thanks for the sleepless, binge reading nights. Reading this has helped me soothe the stress of moving back to college and preparing for another year.
MoonStarwberries chapter 34 . 6/24/2014
I'm glad to see this updated! Congratulations on the baby! (You must have been incredibly busy if you had to deal with a newborn and a toddler! I know they can be a real handful!) Can't wait until the next chapter! Keep up the good work!
Taquiner chapter 34 . 6/10/2014
Ahhh... Fantastic storyline!

Big Cloti fan here and I love how you have included my favourite couple in your story. Keep it up! Can't wait for the next installment.

You should definitely write Cloti stories
Guest chapter 15 . 5/30/2014
("Everyone get back." Aeris pulled herself up, ignoring Tifa's attempt to help her as she swiped her staff off the ground and faced the monster.

Rufus laughed. "What exactly do you plan to do, Aeris? Hit it?"

There was no warning. The Cetra turned and closed the distance between them in a few steps, swinging Princess Guard around and catching the President just under his jaw. The connection sounded out with a sickening crack, and Aeris didn't wait for him to hit the ground before spinning and shoving the hilt of it into his chest. He dropped back, the Heart materia clattering to the deck and rolling to a stop at the feet of its rightful owner.

"Piss off," she muttered, scooping the orb up and snapping it into place on her weapon before going back to the monster and holding it out. "Now- everyone down.")

I think I'm in love
CupofTeaforAliceandHatter chapter 34 . 5/20/2014
Thought I had this on alert but guess I didn't. My bad! Anyway, this was great. Hot and steamy moment with our favorite couple...Thank you...
Vanillabeancobain chapter 34 . 5/20/2014
Sweet jesus why oh why do you have to leave such intense cliffhangers? I might actually cry waiting for the next chapter. I read the whole lot today in one sitting (for some reason, I hadn't come across this story earlier). It's amazing. So well written, so in touch with how the story arc would go if this was a game, movie, book, etc. It's just amazing, you've done an exceptional job on this story.
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