Reviews for A Handsome Woman
Texas Bottle Blonde chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
Vividly written tale! The characters and their words come to life.
Moltz chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
I adore this pairing!
Rae13004 chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
I take it the spirit has called? I feel like this could be a satisfying ending, but I absolutely would love to see the last chapter and epilogue.

Incidently weren't there more chapters? I tend to save my favorite stories to reread and I do miss this one.

Either way, you have an amazing talent and I hope to read more from you.

neeuqpmats chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Miss these two sooooooo much! I want my Peaches! love these two so much. Hope that their ending is still going to be posted. xxoo
mo kagen chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
Months ago, I held off reading this final chapter (in anticipation of another chap or epi). This week I was reading a recipe for peach butter on smittenkitchen which reminded me of your story! so, here I am, finally finishing it.

I just adore Siobhan and the rest of your cast of characters, and I have truly enjoyed the journey.

Thank you for collaborating and sharing!
Clare da Loon chapter 9 . 2/20/2012
Wonderful, rich writing, ladies. A lovely and enchanting story. I rather like the change of heroine for Edward. Your characters are fleshed out and vibrant in their world. Having lived in the Hill Country of Texas myself, I was pleased to be brought back to Johnson City and Fredericksburg and amongst the peach orchards. I often miss it...pecan groves, bluebonnets, sultry nights and scorching days, The Salt Lick in Driftwood.

Thank you for the reminiscence and I look forward to the rest of the tale.
SilverPaper chapter 9 . 2/19/2012
I love this story. I was ambivalent about reading a non E/B fic, but this is now a favorite stories. There is something so engaging, sweet, and yet unsentimental about E and S's relationship, great tension and interesting back story. This is my favorite "Western" historical fic - the period and locale seems authentic and, again, unsentimental. Please write more.
RowanMoon chapter 3 . 1/29/2012
This shy, blossoming, simple romance between Brindy and Edward is such a wonderful, warm blanket to wrap up in on a Sunday. I sigh and sip my coffee, pondering the gorgeous simplicity of kindness - the true foundation of a marriage. You translate this so well between these two characters. They quietly exhibit this lovely mindfulness required in a true partnership - to think of the other before yourself, to bend and blend with their lives instead of disrupting them. Edward wishes to be no trouble to his new wife in her strange surroundings. Brindy wishes to hit the boards running in a role she kens to as nurturer and homemaker. It's beautiful, ladies. Paula Cole's "Where have all the cowboys gone?" plays softly in my head, my longing once desperate to have known a time and tender courtship such as this, finally quenched. You amaze me in the deft weaving of it all.

The animals bring such humour and delight to this chapter from Lady Moo-ray to Madame Sally and her feckin' impish shit arsed slattern goddess I laughed so hard I cried. Mr. Moon asked me what was up and I read back the scene to him where Mr. Cullen let's loose his curses. I loved it so, so much. My heart wrenched when he crossed himself after letting loose. Sometimes it feels like I am reading the creme de la creme of close captioning for a BBC mini-series. The scenes are so fucking vivid.

Omg. Shirtless and Workin Outside Peachward. Christ on a cracker, I'd be peekin' too Brindy-lass!

The continuation of Edward's adventures was the perfect nightcap to my day as well. I read this story over the course of my day and so enjoyed the range of entertainment plucked from these pages. I was so excited with the barfight, begun with a virtuous stand against a bigoted s.o.b, and to have it ended by Robert Emmett White...WELL! ~fans self~ What delicious factual tie-ins Vi found!

Ladies, well done! Another turned out piece of brilliance!
RowanMoon chapter 2 . 1/28/2012
First...apologies for the misspelling of McBurney and Nellie in my previous review! ~embarrassed~

Lovely chapter. The friendship btween Mary Alice and Siobhan communicates so well, and you've written it with such tenderness. This incarnation of Alice is a true pleaser, Judge Jasper as her flirtatious foil is sublime.

Poor Brindy - sunstroke on her wedding night! I love the strength and courage you've given this character. The innate desire to do right by her family and by Edward in being a good wife, so far from home. I love when you talk of her trousseau and the lovely things she brought with her. My mother used to make lace. It's so easy for me to picture Brindy working on these pieces over the years.

Edward is such fumbling sweet goodness. ~sighs~

Thank you so much for making the consumation of the marriage the way you did. So much more powerful and believable than a fevered tugging and tussling beneath the sheets.

Amazing job ladies. Blown away by this story. Settling in for more. Must find chocolate and coffee.
RowanMoon chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
I have tears in my eyes as I write this. I am swept off my feet.

The letters back and forth between Edward and Father Dickie were completely absorbing. The fiery scene between the MacBirny siblings over Siobhan's trip to America was brilliant in it's emotional scale.

I really enjoyed the scene with HIsself and Nessie and the call back and bring around you do with these characters in naming Edward's horse after the Countess. Oh, and the book on housekeeping that the Countess gives to Siobhan reminds of the gem I found while cleaning out my grandmother's bureau this spring. It's called "The Ethel Cotten Course In Conversation - The Fascinating Way to Win Poise * Charm * Personality". It's something I know you would get a kick out of thumbing through as much as I did.

Aye, the last scene with the pot of shamrocks and the tenderness with which the gift is given and accepted just made my heart go to jelly. I'm so thankful I picked this up today. You are so talented honey. You write magic and I am enchanted once again by the power of your pen.

xxeverlastinglovexx chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
Wow, great job! I happen to be Irish, and I couldn't resist having a peek at this! I was so surprised, in a really really good way! Normally I cringe at stories portraying Irish people because they're so 'top of the morning to ya lassie' but you are excellent! Now I'm off to read more! ;)

ganabanana chapter 9 . 12/5/2011
Love the story. Sorry to hear you will be leaving fanfiction. I hope you had fun with NaNoWriMo. Will we get the Banner issues all tied up before the end? I like the Edward Siobhan pairing. I don't think Bella would have ever worked. Thanks for writing.
twi nana chapter 9 . 11/22/2011
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies-I have read and re read this, and love how it is one long chapter of foreplay. Their love for eachother is so clear and strong...their compassion for others is a beautiful thing. The humour and sweetness make me want more (as always with you 2)...The way that they both are ready to leave the socially "correct" way to behave behind, and grab live with both hands. How lucky the two of them are...and here is hoping the Mary Alice is able to hold onto this baby.

Great BIG hugs and KISSES P
neeuqpmats chapter 9 . 11/18/2011
I have read ch 8-9 3 times now and my heart is still in my throat every time. Love this story sooooooo much. Cannot wait for Peaches at Christmas! Unf. Cannot get enough if these two gingers. :)
My Friend Alice chapter 9 . 11/16/2011
Wonderful story you have here! I love the era and although I am a huge Bella fan, I'm glad Siobiane is playing Efward's love interest in your fic.
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