Reviews for Enigma
Lipstick Socks chapter 8 . 6/7/2018
Ohhhhhh I love me some of that Alfons Heidrich content! Questioning the sanity of your bestest bud, "haha, sounds fake, but okay", being mildly impressed by Ed's actual talents... God. I'm still thinking of that one-shot where they had to watch that guy die. Nothin gets me more than drawing the differences between these two, how accustomed to death Ed is and how... Not... The Fons is.

I loooove these one shots is what I'm trying to say. And I love that Alfons picked up on the hint of true parenthood going on in this one
Tanya The Evil chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
Oh dear. I swear my heart broke when Alfons asked why Ed never called him by his name. I realized then Ed was probably in an alternate universe where Alchemy was null and there was only normal physics and science.
I am so freaking intrigued right now.
Hagane-no-Kori chapter 8 . 7/17/2015
So... I just would like to tell you that I think these stories are fantastic! It's a really good job and it's nice to read it. I really like Alfons too (However, Edward is still my favorite character) and it's great to have his point of view about Ed. :)
Anyway, it's really nice to discover the chapters, and I find your writting is really good!
Good luck for the next chapter!
PS: Sorry for my bad English, I'm French...
jejuneha chapter 8 . 7/15/2015
This made me tear up ok;-;... Alphons in that last line saying he doubted it really didn't help my emotions. I knew that when Alphons said about being able to create Fire thet it was to do with Roy, I just wasn't prepared for Ed to worry about him surviving so much and not knowing and thinking Roy is helping the countryif he did survive but he's just in the cold snow jut like Ed but alone with nothing but memories and - YOUR WRITING IS MAKING MY CRY ;-;... I can now say a prompt for next time would be train or blanket , KEEP WEITING THIS ANGSTY BEAUTY. My phone battery is almost gone So this r Jew is going to end right about now .-. ...
jejuneha chapter 7 . 7/15/2015
I JUST NOTICED THAT LAST CHAPTER HAD THE DATE THE 3rd OCTOBER THIS IS NOT OK. In other news... The fluff and lack of pain apart from thinking about how much Ed hated Hohenheim was wonderful *-*... Thanks :D. My phone battery is running out but I want to read the last chapter desperately so this is gonna be a short review *Ed screams in the distance and goes on short rant* xD
jejuneha chapter 6 . 7/15/2015
When Alfons said 'blow up or something' I was like ' nope nope nopeity nope' but what you wrote instead hurt me more ;-;... Oh man, Roy is my favourite character thanks for adding him , even if it was just to REMIND ME HE THINKS ED IS DEAD AND IS NEVER COMING BACK.
jejuneha chapter 5 . 7/15/2015
FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. YASSSSSSSSSSSS. Alphons insulting Ed's height, classic *-*... I see Alphons point of view more now than last one shot , Ed would be kinda annoying to hang out with xD. Riding a cow sounds like fun though, shame about not getting to see that :D. Imagine The cow tipping over with Alphons on it and Ed being like ' that what happens when you are too tall' and Alphons pretending to be annoyed abut really just happy that Ed is happy about something other than science and isn't being as sarcastic and cynical as he normal is -just- yeah xD. That was a ramble, I tink I should probably end this review soon ish it's long .-. ...
jejuneha chapter 4 . 7/15/2015
My god Alphons, how does Ed put up with it ;-;... I know it probably would become annoying someone talking about things that you thought were impossible as real but still .-. ... ANYWAY... Imagining Ed's face when he saw Gracia for the first time *sobs* .-.
jejuneha chapter 3 . 7/15/2015
Ed can be insensitive so when I first started fma I remember HATING him .-. ... That changed soon though after a few eposide especially eposide 7 poor guy xD. You wrote Ed well here, I don't think he would have cared as much about the people on this side of the gate as he guessed they were just fuel for alchemy or weren't as real as his world was. Mabye .-. ? I don't know... Mabye he's just REALLY desensitized to death with all the stuff that's happened to him.-. ... I'm just being hard on him though, he did true two save the guys life, even if he wasn't the kindest :D
jejuneha chapter 2 . 7/15/2015
The last bit was especially interesting. Ed comparing the gate to hell is especially cool as I think ( DONT FAIL ME WIKI AND MEMORY) that the gate's design 2003 was based off of 'the gates of hell' in 'Dantes inferno' which is SO COOL :D. Poor Alphons, Ed's so stubborn that's gotta be annoying ;-;...
jejuneha chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
Interesting :D. I like it *-*
curligurl0896 chapter 8 . 7/14/2015
I really like what you've written so far! I love how Alfons asked that question about how cool it would be, being able to make fire with just a finger snap, with absolutely no idea that Ed actually knows someone who can do that... o.o
Anyway, I'd love to see Alfons somehow meet everyone from Ed's world. I've always wondered what it would be like for Alfons to meet Alphonse... And just his reaction to finding out that all Ed's crazy sounding stories are actually real...
Anyway, coincidentally I'm working on a one shot with the same name as this fic... And a similar concept (though it takes place sometime after CoS). But yeah. I haven't posted it yet, but I will soon.
Mcat9905 chapter 8 . 7/14/2015
Creating an au would be interesting. And you can do whatever you want, it's your fic. I would just maybe make it a separate story? Since it would defeat the purpose, as you said.

Speaking of, I would love it if you updated more often. I nearly forgot about this thing. Which is a shame, because it's awesome. See you soon!
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 8 . 7/14/2015
Poor Alfons and Ed.

I love this story so much! Cant wait for more!
xBookEaterx chapter 7 . 4/12/2015
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