Reviews for A Minute Will Reverse
Idle-Riddle chapter 6 . 2/14/2014
The summary is quite misleading, because I had seriously thought that the fic is a multi-chaptered fic, and had gone ahead to enjoy the first chapter before I noticed the odd chapters' titles. My favourite is chapter 5: Sherlock, though that might be because of my bias towards Sherlock Holmes! Anyway, I love Klaine in all the alternative dimensions, they're a sweet couple with a history and a long way ahead together. ;")
fangirl101-a book by me chapter 5 . 7/28/2013
I love this one. Seriously.
Audustaire chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
I didn't read this, so I really shouldn't be reviewing, but I was reading some of your Sherlock fics (brilliant, by the way) and saw this one. I just thought you should know how much I first initially freaked the f*ck out upon seeing a TS Elliot reference on ff dot net, much less a Prufrock reference, my absolute favorite poem of all time, and then how heartbroken I was to see that it was a goddamned KLAINE fic of all things. The pairing I've hated more than... Well, pretty much any other pairing on Glee. You've broken my heart, dear, you really have. Anyways, kudos for the good taste in poetry.
Charmina chapter 6 . 2/29/2012
Oh, all of this was so amazingly cute and sweet and sexy that it's impossible to wipe the smile of my face! I loved ever single part of this and kinda wish that they could all be expanded in to their own chaptered stories but at the same time they're perfect as they are. Wonderful job on this! Just wonderful!
PawprintMusings chapter 3 . 1/8/2012
I absolutely LOVE how you've woven the original storyline into these wonderful meetings! My only complaint is they're just not long enough! Just a little taste, a tease and the rest is up to my own imagination. *pout* Can't wait to read the rest of 'em.
jack-mick-la chapter 6 . 1/8/2012
This was gorgeous. I'll be honest, I only started reading because of the TS Eliot quote in the title but I'm so glad I did! I'm sure you've heard this before but you made me want every single one of these chapters to be a full length fic. Amazing writing :) xx
mimz chapter 6 . 8/15/2011
Oh wow! I loved this doesn't begin to describe it! Your ideas were amazing, I just love AU Klaine!

'Slayer' was cuuute and funny! 'Sherlok' was brilliant! 'Crowd' totally my fav! And I would totally like to read a whole fic with the 'Exchange' idea!

Oh and the last line is just love 3
intensewhatever chapter 6 . 7/10/2011
This story was awesome! I found myself sincerely disappointed everytime I'd turn chapters because I'd remember that all the chapters weren't related to each over. You should seriously consider expanding way chapter into its own story. My favorites were the foreign exchange one and the magic one.

You're a great writer. Never stop.
Annabeth Alyss chapter 5 . 6/29/2011
OMG! All of these are totally awesome! Do you think you could continue some of them, epically the Hogwarts, Slayer, and Sherlock ones! Though all of them would be awesome. I mean seriously,these are frecking amazing!

Keep up the good work,

Emmalynn XOXOXOX
Moofie Lou chapter 3 . 6/24/2011
I reviewed this chapter a while ago on LJ, but I feel compelled to review it again. It's fucking fantastic. You managed to translate Kurt and Blaine's characters amazingly well to such a drastically different setting, and I give you a standing ovation for that. I also fiercely love the though you gave to the accents-it gives it a whole new level of depth that makes the story that much better. I also loved the way you approached Pav, and his storyline with Kurt. Overall a fantastic chapter. If you even get the urge to write another segment in this universe, please, I implore you to follow that urge. It was an incredible read and I'd love to see more. Now I'm off to read the other chapters! Toodles!

GamingAirbender chapter 6 . 5/31/2011
Aha,I can see Kurt as a slayer. I didn't think I'd like something like this fic but it was a really interesting idea! I loved it all. And I would most definitely contine the french one or the harry potter one...or probably any of them. :P I also think you captured the kiss and meeting on the stairs quite well.

Over all it was very enjoyable and very well written.

Darn it, now I really have to watch Sherlock! Haha
TheImmortalNemesis chapter 1 . 5/27/2011
I really enjoyed this and really want to know what would happen next, i think it would make an awesome story just me asking if you could please please continue this slayer one i love it so much!

he's being strangled and he's bored lol :)

please let me know if you do decide to continue it :)

i love kurt listening to music when trying to slay vamps :) he is awesome!

i loved the writing of this to!
sgirl99 chapter 3 . 5/24/2011
you need to write a fic for this hogwarts story please please
youkai chick supreme chapter 6 . 5/24/2011
I love how each chapter was a perfect little microcosm of epicness, a perfectly succinct story. Yet still at the end of each chapter I so wanted more more more! I love it. Really enjoyed these.
tangy207 chapter 6 . 5/22/2011
Didn't really care for some of the stories(loved exchange, crowd, and reality) but i really liked the idea behind the story, in general, and how it were written.
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