Reviews for Never Hated
heredia chapter 1 . 2/11/2016
piece of shit "im not into fuff so ecpect rough" ye - actually you are picky, you like fic there kadaj get raped by zack, yet you made hysterica over my fic there kadaj realised zack wanted to rape him for the sake of humanity - so he raped and killed zack
Taai chapter 5 . 7/29/2015
Didn't you say the next chapter was almost finished?
Taai chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
That was so sad though it was only the first chapter. T-T
RoniBopShop chapter 5 . 6/13/2015
Are you still working on this? I would like to know what happens next.
SweetLoveCage chapter 5 . 12/31/2014
You will continue i hope? Plese tell me you will!
Don't give up this story it's 2 good! :(
Guest chapter 5 . 3/4/2014
And we were left hanging.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
And here I thought I got over the pain of Sasuke's defection. Curse you and this damnably beautiful story. It made me remember why I cried when I watched him walking away from Naruto in the anime. God, the feels.
Jess-love95 chapter 5 . 2/12/2013
Hey :)

Uh... How shoud I start... Well, I will certainly doing a lot of mistakes because I understand English better than I write... You see, I'm French and I'm really, really bad at writing thing in English but I hope you will understand what I want to say...

First, I really like your story,and I hope that you will update someday !

I also read your eh... Homepage..? Presentation...? Where you talk about you :) I when I read this, it xas like you were describing me (without the cosplaying thing because I really like watching cosplay but I'm way too shy to cosplay, especially in France...) because I always hated Naruto whitout knowing it, thinking it was for preteenage boys, foolish etc.. And then I met friends who were big fans, and now I'm a Naruto addict...
And also, the reason why I didn't post a fic' is because I never finish a story and I know that people hate it, so I don't post until I'm sure the story is finished (which.. still didn't happened...)

I love your Sasuke cosplaying, and I love your fiancee's Naruto cosplay !

In fact, I read this fic' because I just watched all the episodes of Uzumaki Diaries and I loved them all! They are really great, you (and your fiancee) are acting really well, and it's really funny and cute ) I hope there will be a seventh episode soon !

Also, I tried to research your Fb account but I didn't fint it, and the link in Youtube doesn't work so if you can tell me how to add you on FB, it will be greatly appreciated !

Thanks a lot for all the things (fic', cosplay, videos...) you are doing !
(And, again, I hope you understood me...And that I'm not that bad in English because I have my English exam in June...)
SasuNaru Fan chapter 1 . 2/7/2013
OMG right i've seen your AWESOME fanfiction which I also support SasuNaru and your Uzumaki Diaries on youtube are just AMAZING I just can't wait till Uzumaki Diaries Part 7 comes out! You and Jett are AWESOME AND AMAZING cosplays! I totally support you guys sooo much and also congratulations on yours and Jett's engagment! :D And please say to Jett her cosplaying is AMAZING aswell and say Hello to Kakashi - sensei for me :D I shall never forget your awesomeness of the best cosplayers ever and I wanna become a cosplayer myself when i'm older! :)
Guest chapter 5 . 1/28/2013
i love this story, there was a dramtic twist that helped GREATLY with the amazing plot! i cant wait for the next chapter/chapters to come out!

hope they come soon and good luck with writing them ;) xx
AnimeHolic285 chapter 2 . 1/22/2013
KEPP WRITING! i'm loving it so far, and i'm gunna read the next few chapters that hopefully dont stop with just a 'few'. i love you story and srongly belive you should continue it! XD much love from a yaoi fangirl! xx lol
cellaria chapter 5 . 12/14/2012
you need to update this! it could be so good! ugh.. & it should really be marked as incomplete..i hate reading fics that aren't done or won't be finished
BlackRoseOfTheNight16 chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
Amazing love it.
xXNarutardsXx chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Umm do you by any chance have a YouTube account? Because I think I've seen your videos!
katchile94 chapter 5 . 6/24/2012
Love the story please finish chapter 3!
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