Reviews for the unconquered land 2: the list
SerenityxEndymion chapter 15 . 6/23/2016
Eekk! Great work! Love it. But I kinda wish you could have given a second epilogue to see the kids a little older and see if they did have some type of gifts. And I had wish we could have seen if Mr Tiny ever came in and meet Darien's sister. I thought they were a little cute together. Great work. :3
Mistress Mask chapter 15 . 3/30/2016
The past two days I've read the first and second book. I'm not really one for zombie stuff (fear of them) but these stories was amazing. I love how you tied everything up and how the ending was one of happiness. Thank you for a really good read I'm now adding you to my favorites lol. Please write some more stories. Just to let you know i haven't put my phone down in hours I've been reading these stories like crazy.
SerenityMorrison chapter 15 . 4/23/2015
I loved this story so much, you did a great job with both of the stories. Wonderful and fun writing has me captured the entire time. I love your style :) fantastic job
Serenity312 chapter 15 . 12/8/2014
I love both your stories, this series was awesome! This was absolutely AMAZING.
Atiana Gray chapter 15 . 8/20/2013
Thank u so much for the happy end :D I'm glad i can go to sleep now without problems :D
Crispywheat09 chapter 15 . 8/29/2012
omg I loved this story and the first one took me two days to read both! Great angles and takes !
moonxxprincessxx18 chapter 15 . 8/23/2012
This was truly an amazing story! I'm so sorry I have not read it in so long due to school and personal problems. You are an amazing writer! Keep up the awesome work!
mangamania chapter 15 . 2/23/2012
I'm sad it's over and i'm mad tat they lost their powers but i love the story! chapter 12 . 2/22/2012
I liked the last chapter. I knew she would be pregnant, you were hinting for the last few chapters. But there was something that confused me. In the last chapter you stated that Beryl was in on the information with Serena and her gang, and that Beryl knew when they would strike dark opus and how like she was apart of serena's team and knew everything about the serum, but you gave no knowledge that Beryl was serena allie. In one of the chapter's Serena thinks about telling Beryl about the evil plot with dark opus and talks it over with Darien who think she's nuts but at the end of the chapter she see Beryl coming out of her trailor anD knew what she had to do and followed her, but that where it ends. The next chapter talks about the girls and Darien's family and the onset vacation and Beryl marrige to Some tycoon who you never name and then there is no more Beryl until the last chapter. You didn't explain if serena told her about Dark opus and the serum and you didn't explain if berly agreed to be serena's spy and if serena did talk to beryl she forgot to let the girls know because she said nothing to them if anything it would make more sense of having prisma the bertrayer because she knew what was going on and had meetings with your group not beryl so i was dissapointed in that aspec. I still liked the story and it was a easy read, but when writing you have to make some things clear to your readers and having beryl as a back stabber to serena just did not make any sense. Sorry if i am being blunt. I am not trying to put you or your story down. Just wanted to give you my honest review since i like your work. Thank You. SilverStarlet.
MinnieMoosi chapter 15 . 2/20/2012
Cute ending :)
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 15 . 2/20/2012
Love the story and the ending.
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 15 . 2/20/2012
WOW! extreme chapter. is it really finished the story? because you don't have the "complete" check and..., i don't know. however i loved it!

SERENAxDARIEN forever! with their little kawaii kids!

keep it on!

mangamania chapter 14 . 2/15/2012
really good i can't w8 for more plz update asap!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 14 . 2/11/2012
I can't wait for the next chapter. My Dad's home from the hospital after being there for a week and some days, for having a stroke he's doing well he was discharge from the hosiptal wednesay night, he will have to go to rehab for six weeks since his mind is not a little too good, and for some other things. I'm glad he's home and, thursday was my Birthday. My Pastor's wife birthday is on the same day and month as me, we will be having a celebration for her sunday evening, they rent a place a hotel. it will be fun they have alot of stuff that will going on at the party, I will be celebrating with her since this is my birthday week.
CharmedSerenity3 chapter 14 . 2/11/2012
And the great battle is about to begin, update soon!
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