Reviews for Lost
iluvhentei chapter 1 . 10/20/2004
its pretty least i liked it...
SAT4EVER chapter 1 . 5/2/2003
I loved it!
NemoSphinx chapter 1 . 12/30/2002
ahhah! hehehe i liked that! i did :D hehhe awww im sure ur g/fs(finance wateva) father doesnt hate
TazoKyra chapter 1 . 10/1/2002
one word...(or abbrv.)ROFLLMAO !LOL! !
LyraAdriana chapter 1 . 4/17/2002
LOL egos, thats just great. LOL
SleepieCareBear chapter 1 . 4/1/2002
HAHAHA! heh, that was erm, intresting.
redlion chapter 1 . 3/31/2002
lololololol. i luv this! you got talent. i hope you hear that a lot, because you do. also, are you EVER going to post on septanic duelling? i've been waiting for a while and i havent seen a post. keep the faith- redlion
smileygirlo3 chapter 1 . 3/31/2002
I LOVED this fic! I enjoyed it a lot! I LOVE all of your writing! I hope Septanic Dueling and Tangled Fates aren't on a long vacation from your priorities! As much as I love these new fics, I still miss the old ones! Though I understand that these were ideas that needed to be let out, try to get back to the other fics! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this fic a lot, but I hate to see unfinished fics (Though I guess I can't talk much, as I haven't updated since forever, but nobody reads my fic, so I guess there's a difference!).

Well keep up the GREAT work, no matter what it is for. I will always remain a fan.

P.S. ~ Sorry if I seem bitchy; I'm sick, thinking hurts, I can't sleep, I'm all stopped up, and I'm all by myself...ON EASTER!

I guess that's what I get for not celebrating this holiday, and not going to church. But it would be hypocritical to go to church one day a year, wouldn't it?

Sorry for my ramblings...
Animagus-Steph chapter 1 . 3/28/2002
a little confused at the end, but I think that is was great!

I hope that your fishing trip went well...

Also, I loved the way Harry proposed to Mione... That was incredibly sweet.

Dauphin chapter 1 . 3/28/2002
Dude, my pervert IQ has just risen a thousand points. Oh dear...egos...I was thinking...sumthing I'm currently studying...haha...hell, nevermind. That was funny...really funnY! Strange - this thing is so "that" and you're rating it G! I suggest you raise it to PG.

~going back to LHRI~

Ryoko Blue chapter 1 . 3/28/2002
Oh man this was soo funny I loved it. Naughty Ginny getting Hermione "self help" Products. tee hee. This was good. I hope you do some more of these short little ficlets. They are so great.

H/Hr Forever! R/Hr Never!

Have an H/Hr day