Reviews for P&F OC story :
Luke Bradford chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Another OC!
Name (First and Last): Leah Donohue
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Stereotype: Geek
Appearance: Golden hair, Green eyes.
Height: 5" 7'
Weight: 165lbs
Hair (Style, Color, Type): Straight, dark blonde, Long
Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat): Inbetween skinny and fat.
Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes): Arctic Monkeys shirt, tight black jeans, blue sneakers.
Swimsuit: Doesn't swim, so doesn't have one.
Pajamas: Unicorn onesie
Personality (DESCRIPTIVE!): Always trys to be calm and collected, although is nervous around new people and in new situations. Has a fear of water after almost drowning a couple of years ago. Seriously geeky. Not violent, but quite tough. Gets bullied for her geekiness.
5 Traits to describe your character (positive): Kind, Knowledgeable, Calm, Resilient, Energetic
5 Traits to describe your character (negative): Stubborn, Shy, Can be Sarcastic, Slightly Ignorant, Sensitive
His/Her Likes: Big Bang Theory, Arctic Monkeys, Geeky stuff, Knowledge, Animals.
His/Her Dislikes: Water, Popularity, Bullying/Bullys.
What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with: Everyone but bullies.
What kind of people would he/she be enemies with: Bullies, Popular Kids.
Other: Nothing.
Why should I pick you: Why not?
Anything Else: Not that I can think of.
Who you wanna be paired up with: Irving
Your character's best friend: Isabella
Luke Bradford chapter 1 . 10/13/2018
Just for fun!:
Name (First and Last): Edward Dickinson
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Stereotype: N/A
Appearance: Short black and messy hair, Blue eyes, Round face, White skin.
Height: 5" 5'
Weight: 185lbs
Hair (Style, Color, Type): Messy, Black, Short
Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat): Perfect weight for his height.
Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes): QPR soccer shirt, Dark blue long shorts, White and Blue Vans.
Swimsuit: Black shorts with the Metallica logo down the sides.
Pajamas: Short-sleeved faded Union Jack tee paired with black bottoms.
Personality (DESCRIPTIVE!): Kind, caring, has no enemies, slightly nerdy, good with computers, Metalhead, bad with humor, slightly geeky, tries to keep his word, although that doesn't always work, great to be around, awkward with girls, gets overwhelmed by too much noise, or too many people in one place, although is getting good at shutting other people out, if needed. He is not violent by any means, and likes to try to use words to resolve any situation, British.
5 traits to describe your character (positive): Kind, Caring, Very likeable, Calm, Loyal.
5 traits to describe your character (negative): Stubborn, Jumpy, Gets scared easily, not good with new people/things, Accidentally says the wrong thing sometimes.
His/Her Likes: Heavy metal, Punk, Hard rock, Country Music, Guitar playing, Soccer, Cricket, Friends and Family.
His/Her Dislikes: Violence, Politics, Pop music, Fizzy drinks, The original Spider-Man trilogy.
What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with: Pretty much everyone.
What kind of people would he/she be enemies with: Bullies, Violent people, Politicians.
Other: Nothing off the top of my head.
Why should I pick you: Because I think my OC would be interesting to have in the story, and I like what you've done so far.
Anything Else: Edward has an acoustic-electric guitar and likes playing Nickelback on it.
Who you wanna be paired up with: Isabella.
Your characters best friend: Ferb.
Cupcake chapter 5 . 11/30/2015
Really 'making out behind a bush' I thought this was a kids cartoon
Bubbleberrycrush chapter 1 . 9/18/2014
Name: Bree mcalister (uncreative last name is uncreative)
age: 21
Gender: Female
Stereotype: The Geek
Appearance: Green eyes, dirty blonde hair, white mustache t-shirt, skinny jeans. Pale skin, a few freckles here and there.
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 130
Hair: Long dirty blond hair that is straight and goes about 2 inches before her waistline.

Body type: Lanky, so basically skinny but tall(er..)

Outfit: white mustache t-shirt, skinny jeans. White Nike tennis shoes.

Swimsuit: *VERY MODEST* Light blue one piece with black swim shorts that go over it.

Pajamas: Light blue long fleece with white clouds
Personality: Not at all shy, outgoing, a bit of a pushover, has many fandoms that she is a part of, offended if someone ignores her, dramatic, loving, *LOVES ANIMALS OH MY GOSH*

Good traits: Funny, Hyper, Easy to get along with, accepting, she is very modest, so no worries of inappropriate... teenage... conversing ;)

Bad traits: Unaware, eaisily bugged, almost always wants to be right, Over protective of her younger brother Alex, Perhaps the overly attached girlfriend syndrome?
Her likes: Chocolate, sun, unicorns, internet,video games, fiddling with electronic stuff, fanfiction, oc's, OWCA.

Her Dislikes:Being cold, swearing,bees, burning her tongue, no wifi, Haters, Trolls, really mean pranks.

What kid of people would she want to be friends with?: Nice, neat, gamers. Rare aren't they? They need a good sense of humor, but she can be friends with ANYONE. Exept vannessa. She hates her.

*Prev but with enemies*: Immoral people, bad influences, addicties, perverts.. basically just... people you wouldn't like in general. O-O

Other: uh... CHICKEN NUGGETS! And also her and Carl could possibly meet at a pet store, while he's stocking OWCA, and she's buying food for her girl ferret Annie, who is also agent F (She thinks he's crazy for talking to the ferret, because he knows the ferret (on her shoulder) He just... tried to meet the owner.)... just a suggestion...

Why you should pick me: Uh... I don't know... i don't have an account... and i am making this girl up on the spot, but seriously I think i am the ONLY ONE who wants to pair with Carl. (He is one of my favorite PnF characters.)

Anything else: Theme song: Drop it (sporty-o)

Who i wanna be paired up with: CARL! he works a camera. CARL! He knows what all of those buttons do. (totally me trying to play video games lol...)

Characters best friend: I'd say Stacie if Candace hadn't already claimed her. So... a future oc maybe?

DONE! That took forever. Hope you choose Bree!
Coolio chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
My oc is acalled kaydee karmelo
She has brown hair and bangs and is the prettiest fireside girl
She is Isabella's BFF
She has brown eyes and wears blue and orange sweaters with shorts
She likes phineas and django but can't decide
She also has freckles and tanned skin
Anonomas Chicken chapter 1 . 3/6/2012

Name (First and last): Erika Chagdes

Age:same as Phineas and Ferb


Stereotype :

Appearance :tall, skinny with brown long hair, brown eyes. Normaly wears jeans with a t-shirt and an orange sweat shirt over the t-shirt and Nike gym shoes



Hair (Style, Color, Type):brown, long, strait hair

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):skinny

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):normaly wears jeans, a t-shirt with an orange sweat shirt over the t-shirt, and wears Nike gym shoes.

Swimsuit:a blue one peice with green stripes down the sides.

Pajamas:pink, pj pants with snowboarding foxes on them and a orange t-shirt that says jungle book on it.

Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):

His/Her Likes:Chocolate, sour candy, mouse tracks ice-cream, and puppy's.

His/Her Dislikes:Tornado, snakes, spiders, and death.

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:Nice, respectful, kind, friendly, and fun loving people.

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:Mean, jerks, rude, and unkind people.

Other :

Why should I pick you:because it would mean a lot to me and if you pick me me and my 8 year old sister will read one of your stories and give a full-hearted review. And I would recommend your story to my friends, and Erika is the closest person to me.

Anything Else:Erika is the cousin of Phineas, and has 2 sisters, Rebekah and Meghan. Also has a dog named Jericho.

Who you wanna be paired up with :

Your characters best friend :Isabella and Phineas.
FanFreak01 chapter 1 . 3/6/2012

Name (First and Last):Carmen Brooke Anderson

Age:same as Phineas and Ferb


Stereotype :

Appearance :tall, skinny with blonde, long, strait hair. Normally wears jean shorts and a blue t-shirt, with navy blue gym shoes

Height: about an inch shorter than Ferb


Hair (Style, Color, Type):blonde, strait, and long. Normally wears hair in a pony tail with a blue hair band.

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):skinny, strong

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):Normally wears jean shorts and a blue t-shirt, with navy blue gym shoes.

Swimsuit:A red with blue stripes sown the sides of the bikini top that reaches all the way down to red swim trunks.

Pajamas:Navy blue sweat pants with a red t-shirt that says in blue letters, Tiger.

Personality (DESCRIPTIVE): like Bufford's only nicer.

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):Nice, defender of friends, kind, strong, and smart

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):sometimes a little too protective, a little too mean, sometimes boastful, and sometimes naughty.

His/Her Likes:Animals, birds, cherry ice-cream, and chocolate chip cookies.

His/Her Dislikes:Spiders, bad storms, and killing

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:nice, strong defending, and cheerful people.

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:Jerks

Other :

Why should I pick you:because it would mean a lot to me and if you pick me me and my 8 year old sister will read one of your stories and give a full-hearted review. And I would recommend your story to my friends.

Anything Else:She has a little brother named Tommy, and a golden retriever named Prince.

Who you wanna be paired up with :Bufford

Your characters best friend :Adyson
Anonomas Chicken chapter 1 . 3/5/2012

Name (First and last): Erika Chagdes

Age:same as Phineas and Ferb


Stereotype :

Appearance :tall, skinny with brown long hair, brown eyes. Normaly wears jeans with a t-shirt and an orange sweat shirt over the t-shirt and Nike gym shoes



Hair (Style, Color, Type):brown, long, strait hair

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):skinny

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):normaly wears jeans, a t-shirt with an orange sweat shirt over the t-shirt, and wears Nike gym shoes.

Swimsuit:a blue one peice with green stripes down the sides.

Pajamas:pink, pj pants with snowboarding foxes on them and a orange t-shirt that says jungle book on it.

Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):

His/Her Likes:Chocolate, sour candy, mouse tracks ice-cream, and puppy's.

His/Her Dislikes:

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:

Other :

Why should I pick you:

Anything Else:

Who you wanna be paired up with :

Your characters best friend :
Anonomas Chicken chapter 1 . 3/5/2012

Name (First and Last):Alison Lea Hardon

Age:same as Candace


Stereotype :

Appearance :a tall, skinny girl, with blondish, redish hair. Where's an outfit like Candace's except has a purple shirt instead of a red shirt, and a white skirt with a purple belt, and shoes like Candace's except with purple socks



Hair (Style, Color, Type):straight, long, blondish, redish hair.

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):Skinny

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes): an outfit like Candace's except has a purple shirt instead of a red shirt, and a white skirt with a purple belt, and shoes like Candace's except with purple socks.

Swimsuit:A one-piece purple swim suit.

Pajamas:Purple with stars on it

Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):nerdy, kind, sweet, nice, and smart.

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):Kind, sweet, pretty, nice, smart

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):can be annoying, snotty, jerky, and weird.

His/Her Likes:Cloths, cookies, chocolate, and mint chocolate ice-cream.

His/Her Dislikes:Snakes, spiders, incects, and big storms.

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:Nice, sweet, smart, and nerdy people.

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:Mean and smart aleks.

Other :

Why should I pick you::because it would mean a lot to me and if you pick me me and my 8 year old sister will read one of your stories and give a full-hearted review.

Anything Else:Has a hamster named pencil.

Who you wanna be paired up with :Albert

Your characters best friend :Candace and Stacy.
Anonomas Chicken chapter 1 . 3/5/2012

Name (First and Last):John Billow

Age:same as candace


Stereotype :

Appearance :Tall, with black hair like Buford's, and a red t-shirt, with jeans and flat tops.



Hair (Style, Color, Type):looks like Buford's except jet black

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):muscular, and not skinny, but not fat.

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):Normally wears a red t-shirt, jeans, and flat top shoes

Swimsuit:blue shorts with a black stripe down each side.

Pajamas:Black sweat pants with a green t-shirt that says 1#.

Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):a Nice, tough guy who always looks out for his friends.

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):Nice, sweet, kind, protective, and smart.

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):some times is too busy working out then hanging out

His/Her Likes:likes dogs, animals, chocolate ice-cream, and exercise.

His/Her Dislikes:Bully's, jerks, meanys, and snakes.

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:Nice, kind, funny, fun to hang out with kind of people.

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:Mean, jerks, and bullys.

Other :

Why should I pick you:because it would mean a lot to me and if you pick me me and my 8 year old sister will read one of your stories and give a full-hearted review.

Anything Else:has a 8 1/2 year old brother and a 6 year old sister. Also has a Doberman pincer named Spike.

Who you wanna be paired up with :Candace

Your characters best friend :Drew
Anonomas Chicken chapter 5 . 3/5/2012
Sorry, I didn't realize that Ferb was already taken. So, you can match Julie up with anybody.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2012

Name (First and Last):Belle Winslow

Age:Perry's age


Stereotype :secret agent, house pet

Appearance :a platypus so she looks like perry except that her fur is purple.

Height:same as perry

Weight:same as perry

Hair (Style, Color, Type):purple fur

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):same as perry

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):does a fadora with a purple band around it count.

Swimsuit:she's a platypus, her fur is her swimsuit.


Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):Smart, conning, pretty much what doofenshmirtz says to jeremy during the show the lizard whisperer.

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):smart, cunning, nice, doesnt give up easily and the last trait is the trait that perry has.

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):becomes sad easily, fusses sometime, gets angry easily. That's pretty much it.

His/Her Likes:mint ice-cream, cherrys, fighting evil, and friends

His/Her Dislikes:worms, evil, and thorns

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:nice, crime fighting, happy animals

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:self-seaking, mean, spoiled brats

Other :

Why should I pick you:because it would mean a lot to me and if you pick me me and my 8 year old sister will read one of your stories and give a full-hearted review.

Anything Else:Belle's owened by Julie Winslow.

Who you wanna be paired up with :Perry, duh!

Your characters best friend :pinky
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2012

Name (First and Last):Belle Winslow

Age:Perry's age


Stereotype :secret agent

Appearance :A purple



Hair (Style, Color, Type):

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):



Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):

5 Traits to describe your character (negative):

His/Her Likes:

His/Her Dislikes:

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with:

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:

Other :

Why should I pick you:

Anything Else:

Who you wanna be paired up with :

Your characters best friend :
Anonomas Chicken chapter 1 . 3/3/2012

Name (First and Last):Julie Winslow



Stereotype: don't know what it means

Appearance :tall, skinny, with long dark brown hair. Normaly wears skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt.


Weight:not telling

Hair (Style, Color, Type):normaly keeps hair down with a head band. Black hair.

Body Type (Muscular, Skinny, Fat):skinny

Outfit (Shirt, Pants, and Shoes):wears a t-shirt with a sweat shirt over that. Skinny jeans and has shoes like Ferb except the shoes are purple.

Swimsuit:a one piece purple swim suit with a white flower and a pink middle in the middle of the swim suit.

Pajamas:Purple with clouds on them

Personality (DESCRIPITIVE!):funny, happy, smart, encourager, and almost nothing can bring her down.

5 Traits to describe your character (positive):funny, smart, cool, pretty, and supper nice.

5 Traits to describe your character (negative): gives up after awhile, needs encourage, nothing, nothing, and nothing.

His/Her Likes:chocolate, sour candy, rasebeary ice-cream, and puppies.

His/Her Dislikes:bugs, swamps, spiders, snakes.

What kind of people would he/she want to be friends with: smart, kind, loving people.

What kind of people would he/she be enemies with:rude, mean, impolite people

Other :has a german shepherd named Guard. Twin, 10 year old siblings, ones a girl and ones a boy. Girl's name is Sarah. Boys name is Tick.

Why should I pick you:because it would mean a lot to me and if you pick me me and my 8 year old sister will read one of your stories and give a full-hearted review.

Anything Else:no

Who you wanna be paired up with :Ferb

Your characters best friend :Isabella and Gretchen

That's it for now,

LittleMissMia123 chapter 5 . 11/27/2011
Oh. My. God.

There are no words to describe my reaction to this chapter. o.o
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