Reviews for A Glimpse of Light
Jakeros chapter 8 . 5/18/2016
I really, really don't like the fact you completely skipped over the parts with the Senate AND Shadow Guard.
Other than that, were back on track. Nice.
Aleta Wolff chapter 14 . 4/1/2015
Eu adorei sua fic. Ela me ajudou a entender o jogo, que não veio com legenda para nós, brasileiros. É uma estória linda, com um final não muito feliz...
blvckflame chapter 14 . 12/26/2013
Read it to the end and it was amazing!
Phantomxx chapter 4 . 12/8/2013
great story
exiled-druid chapter 14 . 5/26/2013
Jedi romance? Jolee Bindo from Knights of the Old Republic was married once. His wife turned to the dark side and he fought her into submission, then let her go. She went on to kill many Jedi during the war with Exar Kun. Jolee said that love could save someone, that emotions could be used to pull someone from the dark. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
flamingMistress chapter 3 . 12/25/2012
So far I really love the story, it shows different angles of the plot the game has shown us...or at least brings closer the passages that werent shown since they werent really crucial to the course of the game, the sweet little details. I have just ordered the book -not the comic,I already have that- version so Im curious about it. By the way the PSP version of the game is the best. I was genuinelly surprised when I played through the PS3 version... it was even shorter than the portable one and wasnt as enjoyable for me. Except the graphic features and the force use,those were awesome on the bigger console. Though usually,its the other way around. I really miss the Jedi temple or the whole mission on Cloud City or even Juno scolding Starkiller for bothering her when shes busy in the sub-menu of the game. I think Ill just continue reading the story now.
Ioialoha chapter 14 . 7/13/2012
Just found your story. It was wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing
Blake2020 chapter 1 . 1/21/2012
great chapter
nomnomcrash chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
I'm only on Chapter One, but great job so far. Lol. I've got one small criticism before I praise you though, and it's not really your fault, since it isn't told in the game, but based on the time frame of the game (2-3 years before Episode IV) and the ages of the twins (19 in said episode), I would put Starkiller about their age, maybe 2-3 years older, since the seige on Kashyyyk never had a date. Now for ego-boosting appraisal! Yay! You are a superb writer and you know exactly how to make a story flow and catch attention at every second. I salute you, good sir/madam, and can't wait to read more. And I shall, right now, in fact. :D keep writing.
Xarhaa chapter 14 . 5/9/2011
I like it. Excellently written. My life has been insane, so I haven't updated.

I hope you continue your stories. :D

I may post a TFU2 fic I wrote as well, but it needs a ton of editing before I can post any of it.
Liisiko chapter 14 . 5/9/2011
A perfect ending. I don't know what else to say really. It has been a lot of fun to follow this story the last few months. It's sadly rare to see a good story get finished, and in a timely manner no less!

I look forward to whatever you chose to write next. All of those ideas sound fascinating. I would love to see where things go from here, and also wouldn't mind throwing around ideas.

I would also like to thank you for writing such an excellent story, and being one of the many talented authors that has recently inspired me to try fanfic writing again after being away for a long time. Hopefully I should have something done before long.
Liisiko chapter 13 . 5/4/2011
Amazing, it's hard to find the right words for this. You took scenes that were already powerful and moving and one-upped them entirely. I had to pause for a moment and reread the whole chapter. Not much makes me do that.

The big kiss was perfectly done. It's filled with the urgency and knowledge that weather he succeeds or not it's still the end for him, but it needs to be one anyway.

However, the moment that really got to me was their last conversation. All the things he would like to say to but just doesn't have the words for was the saddest of all I think.

On another note. I agree about the story being continued with a second game. The first had a good ending that closed thing up nicely. But I did like seeing Starkiller get another chance and unlike a lot of people I talked to I loved the feel of the second game. It's not about a hero who makes huge decisions that effect the larger galaxy (even if a few of his choices do have a big impact). It's just about a guy who is out to save the woman he loves and figure out who/what he really is. In a way I find that more moving than the huge galaxy spanning conflict.

I eagerly look forward to your next chapter, and I just have to say thank you for writing this. :)
Andrigno chapter 13 . 5/4/2011
great work with the chapter very truthful hehe waiting for the next one

ahh yes another Against those two great,join the club question who is your favorite sibling Bethany or Carver (snickering), mine is Bethany ,i totally adore her more than Isabela, but if you put the two together is twice the awesomeness

btw you could send you email for talking more i am sure i could teach something,and maybe you could teach me, mien is in my profile
Veni Vidi Vichi chapter 2 . 5/1/2011
I'm really enjoying your story so far, and I hope you'll finish it!
Liisiko chapter 12 . 4/28/2011
This is easily the best chapter yet. I love scene out in the snow was beautifully done.

I'm a little sad now, even if there is something more afterward the ending is rather sad. Can't wait to see how you handle the final good bye.
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