Reviews for Dragon Ball AF: The Alpha Tour Saga
Guest chapter 8 . 7/20/2019
I thank you greatly for this work of excellence. I have read your stories and if I was to ever make dbz I would choose your story. Please make another fic.
Super Neko Majin chapter 1 . 2/18/2017
Review 400 here. I just saw the new Xeno villains in the early sets of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, and all I can think is that you must want your plot back!

This story is really good. I'll be blunt and say that it's not one of my absolute favorites, mainly because the OC villain personalities are kind of generic against the likes of BTTL, but the awesome fight scenes and transformations definitely make it a top-tier fanfic. I'm not sure whether Final Super Saiyan is ridiculous or amazing yet. :)
Edard's Bastard chapter 16 . 12/12/2016
That beating Raditz took was well done; I really enjoyed reading it - the level of detail and the writing style were just what I wanted to see. The common theme of hero beats villain, villain transforms and beats the hell out of the hero was taken and done exactly how it should have been done all those times; that was some awesome work.
Lord Kratos chapter 40 . 4/5/2016
All I want to say is thank you for such an excellent read! This and the TROSAT sagas were just fucking perfect in almost all conceivable angles. Not only did you managed to keep up the suspense, but your depiction of our favorite characters, locations, and your OC's were spot on awesome. Shout out to Chronus, Duodecimus, and Alpha Shenron for OC's because they were magnificent villains. I wish I could find those pics you drew to better get a idea what they look like, but your descriptions of them still gave me a solid idea how they are envisioned [though in my minds eye I see Chronus as Ares from DC Universe, Duodecimus as Android 21 from Bringer Of Death, and Alpha Porunga as Super Wu Shenron from Dragon Ball AF by Young Jijii].

The epilogue in this story was great. All lose ends were tied up and the friendly match between SSJ5 Goku and SSJ5 Vegeta gave this story closure unlike DBZ and DBGT. Nonetheless if you ever decide to come back to DBZ fanfiction, please write the scenes that occurred in the three year time frame. So much delicious scenarios can play out from that length of time, especially the one with Vegeta becoming the keeper of Porunga's set of Dragon Balls. A good name for this story could be called "Dragon Ball AF: The forgotten files" or some other cool name you could think of lol.

But if you REALLY want to continue the actual story of Dragon Ball AF-Post Alpha Tour, the best villain you could make a comeback for will be Chronus. Yes, he has been sealed off in the dimension created by Hyperion indefinitely thanks to Novus, but three years of Chronus training relentlessly while being fused with Duodecimus and presumably having all of the negative energy from the six-star Namekian Dragon Ball in him would have increased his potential beyond his initial limits. Plus if Chronus has somehow learned that possession technique Alpha had placed him inside of Duodecimus, Chronus could potentially just create incredibly strong vices and absorb them until his voice alone could shatter that insufferable dimension. To make matters worse, Chronus then absorbs all of his former vices (like Decimus, Unidecimus, and Novus) to increase his power even further! Chronus FTW...

I truly wondered what happened to Alpha when he had bite the dust? Did he simply ceased to exist similar to Omega or was he transported to Hell? Plus could he be created again once the dragon balls are restored and began to fill up with negative energy? Nonethess both Goku and Vegeta better be careful once their dragon balls are restored to full power if the latter is true.

I can't help but wonder what Chronus and his vices were doing during their three years in Hell before Alpha's epic debut? I can't see Chronus lounging around in Hell and allowing Piccolo to beat him up when he steps out of line! Oh well, I guess we will never know I suppose.

Oh yeah I almost forgot. You must also write the victor (or draw) of the bout between Goku and Vegeta from this epilogue if you do continue this story lol. After all another battle will occur between them as Super Saiyan 6/ Final Super Saiyans when the time comes.

Out of all of the unused Z-Fighters, I believe Yamcha, 18, and even Chiaotzu should have made cameo's here and there instead of only during the epilogue. Their powers could have made little contributions despite being vastly weaker than everybody else. Plus Tien decision to stick with Uub in Otherworld without consulting to Chiaotzu seems OOC to me, but oh well I suppose. Other than that, that is literally my only complaint lol, besides Alpha's cheap usage of Vegeta's Crimson Oblivion.

Anyways thanks for this amazing story you have written, and I look forward to all future works you have in store for us.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/26/2016
So far I love the story and I love your perspective. I have read a lot of stories out there and this is an original. Don't let the haters hate. I also know this is a few years old but no worries! :-)
Guest chapter 2 . 3/25/2016
Loved the last story and this one looks good as well. Can't wait to finish it! :-)
Shadowgtx1 chapter 40 . 10/7/2015
Hey JTX1000; Shadowgtx1 here! Just finished your Alpha Tour Saga after reading TROSAT Saga. First of I have to say... Fucking AMAZING! Excuse my language but there really isn't a better way to put it haha! Out of roughly 50,000 Dragonball Fan Fics I can honestly say yours is the best. Two Sagas, 76 chapters, and roughly 500,000 words is a work of art! What really drew me into the story was your great writing skills and of course your continuation of a story that left millions hanging! You did an absolutely amazing job continuing the story where it left off. I love your original thought of the Vicis and Chronus! Also just want to say that Hyperion is awesome! When I think of him I think of, can't remember his name but, the Human Goku meets in Otherworld in the Otherworld Tournament Movie where he meets and fights Pikon. He looks like Hurcules! Haha anyway, I also like how you took an idea we all had and made it one of your sagas. The Namekian Dragonballs overloading! Great job on that for sure and even better how you didn't just make up 7 new dragons that would be hard for us to mentally picture but instead brought back all our favorite villains and made them a hell of a lot stronger! I personally consider this Cannon as much as Dragonball Z is and would love your permission to add to it. A third Saga if you will. I have great ideas for it and would love to talk it over with you before getting started. I also I wouldn't mind if you'd like to proof read each chapter before I post it. My writing skills aren't quit as good as yours but I'd love to write the next saga knowing they can only get better. I doubt I can top your two but with your help and permission I know we can continue your epic installment of Dragonball AF! Thank you so much for this story; you literally had me staying up Waaayy too late just to finish a chapter! I love reading but what I read has to hook me within the first few sentences or I "left swipe" and your stories did just that! My mouth is sore you hooked me so deep hahaha! If and when you ever read this please get back to me.

I also want to draw up each character for you but I need as detailed a description as you can provide for each. Especially Novus, all SSj5's, Hyperion, Chronus, and of course Alpha. Both Alpha Vegeta and Porunga. Hell I even would like to draw up a complete Manga for both Sagas! Anyway again thanks so much and please respond asap!

Aryendra chapter 40 . 6/12/2015
Awesome Josh, emotional ending, should've known it would end like this, great work...I do hope that one day you become a full-time author
pokemon122000 chapter 40 . 6/1/2015
ITS OVER! I tried to read this back before it was completed,but then I didn't have the time until now, almost 2 years after it was completed. I love this series and I wish you luck in getting your book published. Until next time.
pokemon122000 chapter 26 . 5/16/2015
The thing about instant transmission turning the user into light was just a mistranslation. In the Japanese, Goku says that instant transmission is just that, instant. Not that its a big deal or anything.
pokemon122000 chapter 11 . 5/12/2015
If it turns out I was right...
ta.shrivastava chapter 40 . 4/1/2015
I have to find another fanfiction! to spend my summers.
gunblade chapter 25 . 12/31/2014
Wow I did not see that coming. Great story man
Chidambaraselvan chapter 30 . 11/25/2014
hai jtx1000
i am a big fan of your fanfiction stories. please writ another one.
guitarlover56784 chapter 31 . 8/18/2014
You forgot to get rid of the blunderr of trunks obviously not being the one to beat alpha
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